Ads Kill Back Button


Feb 23, 2012
Heya -- this is a problem I've been having with many sites over the last year or so. Now it has started happening with which makes me sad. Basically, ads seem to load as an additional page in history and thus renders the back button on my browser useless. This is because history now looks like this: 1) Main Page 2) Article Page 3) Ad. Clicking the back button takes me back to the 2) Article (not Main) and thus reloads the 3) Ad. So I'm stuck, unless I right click the the back button and manually navigate back to the 1) Main Page. I can also rapid-fire click the back button, but that results in unreliable navigation.

On other sites it used to only happen in Internet Explorer, but it recently started happening with Chrome as well. I've loaded some ad blockers, which helped for a while, but that no longer seems to be the case. Truth is, I'm ok with ads -- I just want to be able to use my back button to be able to easily navigate.

Anybody else have this problem? Know any solutions?

- Jamal
Whoa. Never heard anything like this. What version of Chrome are you on? And when exactly did you notice this start to happen on BCP?

So if you go to a regular thread on BCP, like someones trip report, you can no longer use the back button? Or is this if you click on an ad? Can you post a screen shot of your history or send me a PM with it?
Yep, clicking on a Trip report will immediately load two pages into history via Chrome -- they both have the same name.

With IE it immediately loads the main page plus two pages of ads.doubleclick.etc or something like that.

It says Chrome is up to date -- 23.0.something. It started on about a month ago I'm guessing.

I originally thought it might be virus/trojan of some sort to load more ads, but scans don't come up with anything. If nobody else sees this I might explore a deeper scan of some sort -- or remove the ad blockers and try again.

This is pretty wild. There's a ton of info about it around the web over the last many years, but not a lot of solutions.

The ads.doubleclick is from the Google ads that are run on the site. But from what I've read so far, this is a very sporatic thing that usually happens in IE. I run BCP in a variety of browsers regularly and haven't run into it.

Is anyone else encountering this?

Check out this thread:

Still looking into possible solutions. Definitely unacceptable to have the ads kill your back button.
I'm not having any issues. Using Chrome version 23.0.1271.97 m on Windows Vista.
I've never had that issue (running Firefox and Chrome, don't use IE). This is a shot in the dark, but I always clear my cache/history/temporary files when I have issues and that seems to fix most things. Have you tried this?
I had that same issue last year with Chrome and several websites. It was absolutely nerve wrecking. I finally installed an ad blocker and it was gone.
Only downside with that is I can't access the sponsored ads like Amazon anymore. Have to use a link in a post instead.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
Hmm... ok I will try further investigation as it sounds like it must be some combination of things on my end.

Yeah, Nick, I've read through that thread and others. It's strange that it seems to be fairly common, but not totally widespread and definitely no common solution. I was thinking you might be able to say the site changed its XYZ last month and help me find the cause. I have tried the flushing the cache to no avail and ad blockers only helped for a while. Now that it affects IE and Chrome it's buggin' me all the more.

Thanks all -- I will let you know if I figure it out.

- JG
I removed the restrictions in my HOSTS file that the above link suggested ADDING to fix the problem. Now... the problem is gone. Makes no sense, but I'm glad to have my Back button back. TBD if other sites give me a problem again.

- JG

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