Bears Ears NM draft Resource Management Plan open for public comment until 6/11/2024


Jan 11, 2018
The draft Resource Management Plan and Environmental Impact Statement for Bears Ears NM is now available for public comment, closing on 6/11/2024.

Of note from the SL Tribune write-up:

The plan and the monument are the first of their kind. The land will be managed not only by the Bureau of Land Management and the U.S. Forest Service but also with the input of five sovereign tribal nations....

The 678-page draft includes five alternative plans, which include tribal input for shared stewardship of the monument...

The BLM and Forest Service have identified Alternative E as their preferred option, which they say “maximizes the consideration and use of Tribal perspectives on managing the landscape” of the monument, emphasizing tribal knowledge and the protection of natural resources...

The BLM and Forest Service plan to hold seven open-house public meetings for the public to meet with resource specialists...

How to participate

Will post updates as I learn more.
Careful which you root for ... Could result in closed areas
I will take a look and likely provide comments. I used to prepare EAs and EISs and review these documents under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) as part of my job. I wonder if the timeline allows for a Record of Decision (ROD) before the next President is sworn into office…
Quick update:
  • Several of the public meetings have been recorded. You can find links to the recordings here.
  • The agencies' preferred management plan alternative is alternative E.
  • There's an overview of alternatives in the Executive Summary, or you can see a more detailed comparison in the table section.
@Kerrie at Thru We Go I will call the BLM office next week about the Record of Decision timing.
I asked about the ROD timing in a couple of other places. Summary:

  • Monticello BLM office - no timeline
  • Kane Gulch BLM office - planned for Nov 2024
  • Bears Ears Partnership (formerly Friends of Cedar Mesa) - historically delayed even if planned for Nov