The Great Western Expedition of 2011, Pt.1...Fun with Fins

Ranger Joe

Feed the Rangers, not the wildlife!
Jan 27, 2012
The following trip report(s) were originally posted to the LOST Jeep Forum in September...I hope you enjoy them.

Greetings, fellow Liberteers and other Jeepers. I thought y'all might like to see a few images from our latest adventures in the wilds of Utah and Colorado. We drove almost 5000 miles total, from the Amish Frontier east of Cleveland to the boondocks of Utah in our lifted and armored '06 Liberty Sport. So, without further ado, here we go...


Ok, so there's no Jeep in this image, but it was our first stop once we got to Moab. This is the North Window Arch at sunrise.


Our first official offroading was on the Fins 'n' Things trail just to the east of Moab, in the Sand Flats Recreation Area.





We stopped about halfway through the trial for some lunch and had the place to ourselves. The only sound was that of a plane somewhere off in the distance.


Suddenly, we found ourselves surrounded by a friendly tribe of Jeepers from the Red Rock 4-Wheelers. Hey, kids, let's play Find the Libby! ('s the only one there.)


We continued on, off into the land of slickrock.


Somewhere along here we ran into an obstacle called Frenchy's Fin. The Charles Wells book on Moab trails said it was "doable"...all I know is, all we saw out our windshield was what looked like a solid near-vertical wall of sandstone. Mr. Wells was right...we did it. We had no choice, as there was no bypass. It initially freaked us out so bad that neither my wife nor I got any photos of it.




After successfully surviving Fins 'n' Things, we headed for the Moab Brewery and a cold Dead Horse Ale. Mmmm, beer GOOD.


I also bought myself a T-shirt.

Tomorrow, we head for Elephant Hill and the Devil's Garden campground...stay tuned!

View Part 2, Elephant Hill
Love Moab Brewery! I think we ate there at least twice in 3 days when I was there last! I picked my up a tshirt, a few glasses and a growler!

Sweet photos!