Chepeta Lake to Hayden Pass


Mar 1, 2012
Hey all,

I am bouncing the idea of a 5 day hike from Chepeta Lake to Hayden Pass along the Highline Trail. I have hiked fairly extensively from Hayden to Dead Horse Pass, and I have done Painter Basin and Anderson Pass when I did Kings Peak a decade ago, but my memory is getting old and I can't really remember the campsite/water situation on that portion. 5 days would give me an average of about 13 miles a day, but I am good going 16 without too many issues. If I really needed to I could crank out a 20 mile day but I'd prefer not to. Obviously, weather would dictate a bit when I get out there, but I am trying to put together a general idea of where I would stop each night. Anyone have any ideas of where I should shoot for each night?