kIdDiE cAnYoNeErInG Part II - Double Arch Canyon

Blake Merrell

Life Elevated - Rising Higher
Feb 25, 2013

Canyoneering with kids is the best!

I have been on lots of canyoneering trips, and the ones where I get to go with my friend and his little kids are some of my very favorite. It is so neat to see the kids accomplish difficult things like canyoneering. These are the memories that will last a lifetime; especially for the kids and their dad :)

I had need to go check out Double Arch Canyon near Green River, Utah for an scout canyoneering trip. When I suggested the trip to my friend, he said he could go if he could bring his kids. I was totally fine with that, so Friday night rolled around and we headed down to camp near the trailhead to the canyon.

The canyon was beautiful. We were treated to a wonderful hike. Of course, since I was navigating we got a bit "lost" and kinda cliffed out, but we had ropes so we just rappelled down a 200' cliff instead of hiked back down and around. I think all agreed that the rappel was way more scenic and fun that the hike back down and around haha.

The canyon was full of water and proved to be a huge blessing. The weather was HOT and the water was a perfect way to cool off and rejuvenate after a "long" hike to the top of the canyon.

The canyon was a lot of fun. The kids did great and the hike was wonderful. Looking forward to the next kIdDiE cAnYoN with my friends.

Teaching the youngins how to stem

morning view from the tent!

Beautiful glow of the morning sun kissing the San Rafael Reef


Love my little tent!

Beginning the hike

Wild flowers were abundant after the previous weeks rain

Dad helping his kids along.

Kyle just happy to be here!

Amazing views of the San Rafael Reef

FLOWERS! I loved seeing all of the pretty desert flowers.

Kyle was a bit nervous. It was his first time ever rappelling with a second person.

only 200' to go!


Dad helping his kids through the canyon obstacles.

can you swim with a child on your back?

Can you swim with a child on your head?

First look at Double Arch!

Family photo under the double arch. Beautiful.

The final rappel. What a view!

Fun times had in the pool below the arch.

The arch from the bottom.

That is pretty cool. I've been taking my 3.5 year old to Momentum once or twice a week this summer to get him used to being on ropes and up high. We went to San Rafael this spring and did a bit of non-technical hiking and scrambling which he loved. I would love to get him with me on some super easy canyons with short rappels.

Quick question for you: what is the logistics of doing a 2 person rappel with a little one? I'm guessing he extended his device so high in order to avoid a small finger or something getting caught?
That is pretty cool. I've been taking my 3.5 year old to Momentum once or twice a week this summer to get him used to being on ropes and up high. We went to San Rafael this spring and did a bit of non-technical hiking and scrambling which he loved. I would love to get him with me on some super easy canyons with short rappels.

Quick question for you: what is the logistics of doing a 2 person rappel with a little one? I'm guessing he extended his device so high in order to avoid a small finger or something getting caught?

Doing a two-person rappel is pretty easy. Essentially you just use a sling to extend your rappel device away from your harness (not so far that you can't reach it though), and then connect the second person to the same belay device with a shorter sling.
Looks like fun, how do I sign up for a lesson? What's going on in that last pic btw, it looks pretty cool?
Looks like fun, how do I sign up for a lesson? What's going on in that last pic btw, it looks pretty cool?

A lesson? let me know when you are in Spanish Fork :) I'll be happy to meet up and show you how to rappel.

That last picture is a night photo taken with my GoPro. My friend didn't know I was taking a picture and he walked over to me with this headlamp on. I kinda like how it turned out.