Lens Flare?


Feb 23, 2012
I was wondering if anyone could help me solve this problem? What is causing these sphere shaped objects and the greenish flare in this photo?
Shoot this with a Nikon D7000, nikon 18-105mm f3.5-5.6 lens, and multicoated UV filter. Is it dirt on the lens, the filter, or just a cheap lens? Any help you could offer would be much appreciated.
It's lens flare...some lenses are better at having it not show up than others....but you are almost always going to get some flare anytime direct light strikes the front element of the lens. If you are not including the sun in your shot, then a lens hood helps prevent it.....but if you are including the sun like in your photo above, it's pretty much unavoidable.
Thanks for the help. That's about what I thought. Do you think the UV filter added to the problem?
I also didn't have much of a choice for shooting locations. I arrived about an hour before sunrise and there were already about 30 people there. I just got the location that was left over. The lens flare problems just give me an excuse to go back. :)IMAG0257.jpg
I definitely think the UV filter played a part. I tried using one for a while and quit because I was getting crap like that in some of my shots.

So when are they going to start the Coyote Buttes-style permit lottery to shoot sunrise at Mesa Arch? :lol: