2013 REI Dividends

I have the credit card. :) Sure there are better cards, but I like the earmarked money for gear. Helps me buy cool stuff and not just reshuffle the rewards into the mundane daily life of bills and diapers.

Just logged in and took a look to see how much my dividend is. $80.48!! Woohoo! Every year I think it won't be much because I swear I buy most stuff on sale, but apparently not! Wouldn't I have had to buy like $800 worth of full price stuff to get that big of a dividend? I swear someone must be buying stuff on my account!

Waiting for the 20% off member sale then I think it's time to pull the trigger on a NeoAir. :)

So how much was your dividend?

Look up your REI dividend amount here:

You will not regret the neo air!!!:frantic:
Already have it and love it. Although I just busted it out for the first time in 2013 and the mildew/mold inside got pretty out of control since I used it last October. :eek:

OH NO!!! This is a terrible thing to have happen! I have been storing mine out and non-rolled since I got it to try and prevent this. Although I feel it is happening slowly and surely!

Just saw my dividend btw at just under 9$!! Woot! Also I should be receiving my REI Visa in the mail and am stoked to get the 100$ gift card! Does anyone know how this gift card works? Do I just make a purchase with my Visa and they'll send me the card right away or do I have to actually hunt it down?
$134.75. Thank you REI Visa!

Does anyone know how this gift card works? Do I just make a purchase with my Visa and they'll send me the card right away or do I have to actually hunt it down?

You make your first purchase with the REI Visa and within a couple weeks you'll get your gift card in the mail. Easy as pie.:)
Already have it and love it. Although I just busted it out for the first time in 2013 and the mildew/mold inside got pretty out of control since I used it last October. :eek:
Yikes. I'd better go pull mine out and inspect it...
$124.33!! Having the REI Visa makes a big difference. Use it and pay it off right away. If you bank with US Bank, the card will show up on your log-in because that is who the card runs through. I can easily xfer the money I spend on it from my checking account.
Just used my dividend and 20% off to get my Petzl Microtraxion!

I have been looking at those new Nemo bags with the spoon shape, they all seem to be pretty heavy but man they look nice.
I'm looking at a new pair of shoes for cheap with the help of mine.
Got my dividend; $238 with REI Visa. With the 20% off coupon I bought a Copper Spur UL1 ($279). Also used the 20% off outlet coupon for a Gregory Miwok 18. Had a $20 off coupon for backcountry.com and bought the MSR microRocket.

My next purchase is going to be the capture clip system for my G3 and maybe a lightweight tripod. Then I think I'm done for the year. If that's possible.

Ooh! Forgot... Also want to get the Panasonic 20mm pancake lens. Looking for a wide angle lens to take to the Canyon. Then maybe I can leave the 14-45mm at home.

Wish REI sold some camera stuff. I might have waited on the tent and bought the lens instead.