Access to North Rim during off-season


Jul 5, 2014
Does anyone know what the best way is to access the North Kaibab trailhead at the very end of April? From the searching online, it seems the Park roads are closed to cars until May 15th. I read that the highway from Jacob Lake to the park is closed during that time as well, and that's 50 miles away. Is 50 miles away really the closest that I could get dropped off by car to the trailhead?

I'm interested in having a cab drop me off within a day's hiking distance to the yurt near the North Kaibab trailhead if that's at all possible. I'd have snowshoes, not skis.

Any advice would be appreciated.
I think you might struggle. The simplest way to get to North Kaibab trailhead in winter is to hike there from the South Rim ;) From my understanding, in early November gates across Highway 67 are closed both at Jacob Lake and 45 miles further down the road at the North Rim entrance kiosk. They remain closed until early/mid May. However, only access for public vehicles is restricted during this time - you can still ski or snowshoe into the park should you wish.

I don't believe a cab or any other public vehicle will legally be able to get you any closer than Jacob Lake. In theory you could get there via a network of primitive Forest Service roads if you had a good vehicle but I can imagine those roads would be a real mess after the winter.
Thanks Dan. That pretty much confirms everything else I could find online. Sounds like I'll have to wait for another time to do this.
Road is closed at Jacobs lake untill usually may 15. Other forest roads sometimes are open of snow but its a crap shoot that early.... Farther west in the canyon is usually accessable