Arches + Snow

Noun Sequitur

My Feet Hurt
Oct 24, 2012
Here's what we did this week...


On our way to the park, I realized that I've never actually hiked the Park Ave trail, so that was our first stop. I dropped half of the group at the top and the rest of us drove to the bottom and walked up to meet them. So I guess technically I've still never hiked the trail... just the bottom third.



Then we we took the short walk up to balanced rock...

balanced rock.jpg

And finally to Windows...


turret (bent).jpg

turret (straight).jpg

My son and I decided to walk the primitive loop while we were there. It was slick, but worth it!

probably should crop this one.jpg


hidden trail.jpg

cozy rock.jpg

very slickrock.jpg



On the way out, the clouds cleared from the peaks and I was compelled to stop for the requisite post card shot.

i have 70 pictures of this, each one better than the last.jpg

After that we all caught colds and decided to head home the next day. I'm currently sipping on some adult medication and feeling much better thank you.
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Beautiful! When I retire in a few years, I'm going to make some trips to Utah in the winter
Lovely! I really want to head to Goblin Valley when there is snow. Just love the contrast with the snow and the red/orange color.