Art in the Parks

Deface man-made things all you want. This is a terrible, narcissistic, awful thing she's done. She deserves nothing less than hefty fines, and having to scrub those shitty paintings off everywhere she's been.

Attaching mediocre artwork to granduer doesn't make it grand.
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Attaching mediocre artwork to granduer doesn't make it grand.

Mediocre is being generous. In all honesty I'm always for less laws and less prosecution, but the idea that a normally functioning adult could justify such actions not only to others but to herself and then publicly document it speaks to the magnitude of her self centeredness and I can't think large enough to determine the consequences that should come her way. I don't want to sound like a hillbilly but the fact that she's from the east coast only adds fuel to the fire for me.

The idea that people have been painting on rocks for thousands of years as justification is ridiculous. At that time is was not publicly owned land and there was no other way to document one's existence - that's not a challenge anymore.

This is the kind of crime where paying a hefty fine, cleaning the rocks (if that's even possible) isn't enough. This requires a consequence that rehabilitates her narcissism, such as being a guide at all locations she has visited and teaching others how to respect natural resources.
I have to agree with everyone. Geez, how freakin' narcissistic do you have to be to do that? With acrylic paint, and then Instagram yourself? I agree, I think she should have to remove them herself and pay for the ones that have already been removed, PLUS clean pit toilets. She can paint the pit toilets all she wants and then we can pee on the "artwork", thereby showing the same type of respect for her work that she has shown for nature.
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It's seems so blatantly wrong that I hope that it is just some type of hoax for attention.

So "Where is it?" experts... where is that shot in Zion?

I can't quite place it. Is that the Virgin in the lower portion? If so, the White Cliffs don't seem right for any place in the main canyon.
I don't have my photo library handy, but I thought it kind of looked like the Emerald Pools trail, looking back toward the canyon from between the middle and upper pools.
Google searching makes me feel 100% confident in that guess. That's the Great White Throne on the left.


From of the Emerald Pools Trail:
OK -- just answered my own question...

...upon closer inspection and some reference of GoogleEarth it looks like it's on the Emerald Pools trail looking toward Deertrap Mt. (and not the Virgin in the photo.)

Now that I see where that is, it's easy to assume that many dozens of people likely witnessed her doing that particular painting. You can clearly see the trail in the photo. I wonder how many of them said something and how she made it through so many parks without getting busted.
Now that I see where that is, it's easy to assume that many dozens of people likely witnessed her doing that particular painting. You can clearly see the trail in the photo. I wonder how many of them said something and how she made it through so many parks without getting busted.

If I'd seen that I would have done more than said something, I would have taken away her paint set. And it would have taken all the self control I could muster not to give her a shove, especially with that entitled, narcissistic attitude she displays.
I'm sure we all agree this isn't art but simply vandalism of the worst kind, and fortunately she was stupid enough to sign her crime and take photos of herself committing it. She'll be easy find, convict, and punished/fined to the fullest extent of the law. Considering this story has gone national, and at least ten parks and multiple crimes involved, I expect she'll pay a hefty, well deserved, price.
People are unbelievable. I hope they throw the book at her. Shameful vandalism.
Given that she went across the country doing this, I imagine they have no choice but to make an example of her to deter any other self-absorbed narcissistic "artist" from doing anything similar. I am looking forward to it.
It's sickening that she did this, but IMHO it's nowhere near as awful as directly writing over, shooting at, erasing, and even breaking out and stealing petroglyphs. Picto/ Petro vandalism is very rampant, so compared to all that, this is nothing.

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It's sickening that she did this, but IMHO it's nowhere near as awful as directly writing over, shooting at, erasing, and even breaking out and stealing petroglyphs. Picto/ Petro vandalism is very rampant, so compared to all that, this is nothing.

But it's not nothing. Yes, the aforementioned crimes are on a greater scale in that they very willfully destroy truly irreplaceable markings of the passage of ancient peoples, for whom there exists little other record. However, (very) young miss creepytings displayed an attitude of arrogance and selfishness that willfully sought to destroy peoples' enjoyment of wilderness areas (despite her supposed avowal that she was merely "expressing herself"), and she did those things in some places that are very highly traveled and therefore visible to a large percentage of visitors. Which of course was also deliberate, in order to accumulate as many eyes as possible on her graffiti. She willfully chose to impose her very limited personal vision in places that potentially would affect a large scale of people who are not in said places to see her work. And the fact she did this in at least ten (?) parks that we know of is simply breathtaking in its vain assumption that she is more important than what took millions of years to form into the sort of perfection everyone in this forum loves. She messed with people's need to escape the very thing she tried to bring: cities, humankind, and all reminders of our "stuff."

She also potentially added more fuel to the future actions of other "artists," especially with all the national attention her scratchings have received. (I keep asking media to *stop* showing pictures of her graffiti, since that most certainly is something she wants, and it merely plays into the narcissism she so blatantly displayed). Some parks have already been having problems with other vandals. It would be quite tragic if this encourages yet more to try to beat the system, snub the man, give us all the finger by adding their own "work" to those natural places we all want to see as they are, without some human's "embellishment."

I could go on about why this is not nothing, and I likely will on my blog. :) Suffice it to say, this truly graceless situation has triggered strong reactions and emotions in thousands upon thousands of people, and that in itself shows right there that this is not nothing.