Bears Ears Coalition


Mar 1, 2012
I just wish more of the locals would see the value of protecting such land from any threats of industrial development and keeping it as pristine as possible. It's sad that there has to be such a fight that stirs up so much controversy resulting in certain activities being done in secret for the protection of those involved. Though, if this does go down and we see a new monument created down there, will the inevitable headlines and media draw more crowds down there, much like what has happened with Coyote Gulch in GSENM and thereby putting Grand Gulch and surrounding canyons at risk for increased trash, vandalism, etc.?
I find it interesting how many people that are against a new monument are strongly in favor of protecting American Fork canyon. Some of the most vehement SUWA haters I know are on board with that plan but any protection of red rock country would just piss them off. It doesn't make any sense to me.

A new monument would probably mean more visitation in the years to come, but I think the protection still outweighs the impact of that.
How about a Bears Ears - Greater Canyonlands National Monument? It'd continue the fine Utah tradition of politically explosive National Monuments with hyphenated names, and protect a huge and precious swath of southern Utah.

Politically it makes a ton of sense to do it. As much as we care in Utah about federal "encroachment" within the state, the vast, vast majority of the country couldn't possibly care less - they're not even aware that it's an issue here. And frankly Obama's party is never, ever going to win the state of Utah anyway, so there's really no harm in pissing off Utah. And BE-GCNM would be a lasting legacy of this administration. If I were him, I'd do it.
Look like Obama might be acting on this soon!