Beartooths, Becker Lake


Nov 23, 2015
For the third year in a row, we did a librarian hike. We're down to two of us, but we still went for our three day hike. This year Nancy wanted to get back to a spot where she had hiked with her son, Becker Lake, so off we went.

The trailhead is at Island Lake, on the Beartooth Highway. We started at about 10 am. I was still dry when I took this picture. Those rocks LOOK dry... .


The trail goes along the lakeshore, until it goes up a little valley to the next lake. This continues through a bunch of lakes, some large and some more like mud puddles.


We are headed to a lake by the pointed peak (Lonesome Mountain) just to Nancy's right (above).


The trail took us between these two lakes, and then across a scree field, and finally up a little ridge and into the Becker Lake valley.



We picked a pretty place and made camp. The flowers were exquisite. We explored the area, checking out the views.



The morning reflections were beautiful.


The next day we day hiked to Alpine Lake. It was about 1.5 miles up the valley.


The scenery along the way was nice. We passed a lichen colony that looked like an escapee from The Mod Squad.


Eventually we came to the lake. We sat in the sun and had lunch. Afterwards, I lay on the grass and took a little nap. It was perfect.


After a couple of hours here, we headed back to camp. This time we had views of our lake and the distant ridges.


Back at camp, we again sat and looked at our surroundings.


The next day, we packed and headed for the trailhead.



Some of these pictures remind me of an Edward Abby quote. After describing something amazingly beautiful, his next sentence was, "Routine stuff."


It took a few hours to get to the trailhead, most of it beautiful, or evem better. Looking back, it seemed so far away... .



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Very cool. We are/were considering heading up to the Beartooth range for our annual "big trip". Thanks for sharing!
Mike, there are lots and lots of trails and options.

Vegan.Hiker, you're welcome.

My guess is it is Link from the Mod Squad. Beautiful area Pringles.
Yes it is, Scatman. It’s hard for me to believe I live only a couple of hours away from the trailhead.
Haven't seen much from the Beartooth Range, so this was pretty awesome! Thanks for posting the TR.
Thanks for sharing!
Such a lovely area.
Is Nancy wearing two packs in the first couple photos?
You’re welcome. It is a beautiful area, and it’s only a couple of hours from where I live. This hike convinced me that this area is a great weekend hike destination. I’m sure it would be more crowded, but easily done. But for the moment, there’s Yellowstone. :)

Yes, Nancy was wearing two packs. One is an Osprey something, and the other is a lightweight Cabela’s day pack. She wanted a way to organize her things, and the day pack did it for her. I must admit, when we went on the day hike, it was nice having HER carry lunch and my little odds and ends. As you can see, it didn’t slow her down, she was still first. (I’m the slowest hiker that still makes it. It’s a good enough motto... there are lots of people who WANT to go, but have no friends who would go with them. They can take me. They just have to wait once in a while.) The pack on a pack looks a little awkward, but doesn’t seem to bother her at all.

Pringles, Here you are in front of the man that did 16 miles before 1:00 PM with his backpack on.... slowest hiker? Nah! Have a great day! Glad you had a good trip, awesome scenery.
Thanks. :)

You might want to try an overnight in the Beartooths sometime when you come. The scenery’s quite good, and so’s the trail.