Behunin Canyon

Blake Merrell

Life Elevated - Rising Higher
Feb 25, 2013
I went into this canyon with low expectations. seems that more people I talked to hated this canyon than liked it. well.... they were all a bunch of LIARS!

L I A R S!!!

Behunin was a stunning canyon with huge walls, beautiful drops and narrow slots. It all of it comes after one of the most amazing approach hikes I have ever done!

As a side trip to this canyon we made a quick trip up angles landing! That is a once-in-a-lifetime hike for most people. for canyoneers it is just part of an approach hike! So Cool!


Playing with the new GS7 Camera

What a view! Good way to start a morning.

Coming down from Angles Landing

Views from the top of Angles Landing

Can never get enough of this view!

Josh's first time to the top. I was more excited to show my friends this place than I was to see it again for myself!

On our way to the start of Behunin. There just isn't a bad view in this park!

Start of Behunin

Love the HUGE walls

First rappel.

We enjoyed a little water flow in the canyon. It was a nice treat.

Love the micro life that grows in a canyon

Josh being nice and helping Kyle stay dry

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That looks like an an amazing trip, in an amazing canyon. I wonder what it is that people don't like about it? In looking at those pictures it would be on my list for sure if I had the rope skill necessary to check it out.
I'd heard the same thing about Behunin...that people didn't like it. I'm with you, I thought it was great and fun. Great pics and thanks for sharing. Looks like you guys had a blast!
I'd heard the same thing about Behunin...that people didn't like it. I'm with you, I thought it was great and fun. Great pics and thanks for sharing. Looks like you guys had a blast!
I really wondering why it gets such a bad rap? Oh well....