Biffy Bag


{insert witty remark here}
Jan 22, 2012
Has anyone had any experience with them? look like a solid alternative to the wag bags. They don't list the weight though and I can't imagine they'd be any lighter.
LOL! I didn't know such a thing existed! :lol:
I wonder if the rangers of Canyonlands The Maze would accept a pack of Biffy bags instead of the mandatory Port a potty for people who camp there coming with a 4WD SUV.
"a biffy in a jiffy" :lol:

I used something very similar to this when I backpacked The Zion Narrows years ago. The park service supplied it.

Good question about whether this is a suitable replacement for a portapotty in The Maze. Somebody call the NPS! :)
I wonder if the rangers of Canyonlands The Maze would accept a pack of Biffy bags instead of the mandatory Port a potty for people who camp there coming with a 4WD SUV.

They allow WAG bags, so I don't see why they wouldn't.
Good question about whether this is a suitable replacement for a portapotty in The Maze. Somebody call the NPS! :)

When I spoke to them last year I was told that as long as there was a powder in the bag to break down the waste it was this should be allowed.
I've used a bivy bag but not a biffy bag....:confused: The title of this thread had me a little confused until I saw what a biffy bag was.

probably something you don't want to be mixing up...:eek:

if I get some i'll let everyone know how they compare to said wag bags. Do you guys typically take wag bags or similar item when backpacking out in S.utah deserts?
Do you guys typically take wag bags or similar item when backpacking out in S.utah deserts?

Nah man... just load up on the immodium. Works like a charm! :lol:

But seriously, no, I don't. I do pack out my TP when it is required or in an area I feel it is appropriate. Packing your shit kind of stinks. Literally.
Nah man... just load up on the immodium. Works like a charm! :lol:

But seriously, no, I don't. I do pack out my TP when it is required or in an area I feel it is appropriate. Packing your shit kind of stinks. Literally.
Immodium the the ultimate backcountry butt plug. :lol:
I don't get bringing the shovel. If you're in the desert, why not use a rock to dig a hole? And if you're in the mountains, flip a nice big rock over and do it there? Seems like unnecessary weight in Utah at least.
The only bad part of the rock plan is when you roll a rock and the area has already been used.... then you have to kick over a clump of grass and use the resulting hole... then put the grass back they way you found it :)

I do have to say the Biffy bag looks more.. umm user friendly than the wag bags.. ymmv
I don't get bringing the shovel. If you're in the desert, why not use a rock to dig a hole? And if you're in the mountains, flip a nice big rock over and do it there? Seems like unnecessary weight in Utah at least.

Yea, you could get by without the shovel. The one I bring is a an orange plastic one that weighs 3oz so to me the extra 3oz is worth the convenience of not having to use a stick or rock to dig the hole.
The only bad part of the rock plan is when you roll a rock and the area has already been used....
Ya, I've had that happen too many times to count.... :eek:
The Biffy Bag is great! I've reviewed it. Not just for camping, we always throw a couple in the day pack for long hikes, just in case.
I get the definite feeling you work for Biffy Bag, marg3. Is that accurate?

If you'd like to post a review here, that's okay, but if you just signed up to link people to another site like that, we'll pass. ;)

Or better yet, if you'd like to take advantage of how this thread is ranking on google, hit us up with some free biffy bags and we'll give it a real review. Thank you.