Bigfoot sightings in the Uintas Tales of the "unusual" in the woods


Dec 29, 2014
At the risk of being denounced by some, Id like to offer this subject for discussion ... Have you in your hiking/camping experience ever come across an "event" that cant be explained ? There are a lot of people on this sight that have covered the Uintas on foot and otherwise for years, Have you heard tales? or better still, seen something?

I have, I wonder if there are any more like me here on this sight. This is my story.

In the late 1970s while working for the BSA at Camp Steiner (the Mirror Lake area) I encountered what I believe was a Bigfoot.

On Monday & Friday nights at the Scout camp, there was always a Camp wide campfire held on the far side of the lake. Two large fires would be built and a program offered for entertainment, recognition, and education. The camp sits in a beautiful bowl and there is a natural Echo there .... We (the camp staff) used this echo to great advantage at the Friday night close of the campfire program, by playing "Taps" on multiple trumpets stationed around the lake.

I played a trumpet back then, and frequently got the mission of hiking to a point, distant from the campfire bowl and awaiting a flashlight signal to start the Taps Echo.... Id see the signal, play the first few bars of the tune, and across the lake another horn would join in, the echo's would come back to us, producing what sounded like Taps in 4part harmony. It was on one of these occasion's, that I would experience an event that dramatically changed my perception of, or at least the way I view, the unexplained....

Un known to me at the time others in the area were sighting this creature, and reporting what they saw. One report, from a Greyhound Bus Carrying 42 passengers had made the local paper at home and the clipping describing their event was already in the mail to me, & I would read it a few days later at mail call.

As the campfire program was coming to a close for the night, I gathered up my trumpet and alerted my friends on the staff that I was aware of the time, & on my way to a small rock ledge that jutted out into the lake about 200 yards from the campfire bowl. There were at the time approximately 350 scouts and adult leaders assembled there. of some note, it ought be mentioned, that the program is NOT a quiet one, there is singing, laughter, and all manner of noise at a scout campfire! it was a typical Uinta night, crisp and clear, with acceptable star light to navigate with. (we preferred to set off this echo with out giving away our movement to the scouts,) & another trumpet player had departed the fire about 20 min before me, heading the opposite direction along the shore.

Arriving early at the rock ledge at the waters edge, I could see the light of the two dying fires back at the bowl. surrounded by water in front of me, and tall pines and a steep glacial slope behind me, the width of the footpath separating the two elements, I began to silently blow warm air into my horn to warm it up. I watched and waited for the signal, timed to the camp directors closing challenge to the assembled scouts to, "always do a good turn daily" ( Flash flash and the trumpets would sound~ Da dat Daaaaaaaaaa....)

Have you ever been "stared at" from behind? that uncomfortable, "somebody's watching me feeling"... the intangible sensation of another's eyes upon your back, that becomes so powerful, that you turn to meet the persons gaze instantly? That is what happened to me, standing on that little rock ledge in the dark.... I became uncomfortable as I waited... something was out there... there had been reports of a Cougar near camp, but I dismissed that out of hand given all the noise... the possibility of another scout, lurking on the hillside above me came to mind, a would be witness to the camp staffs subterfuge, but no.... it didn't feel like that ... Something, was LOOKING at me, thru me, into me... The hair on my neck began to raise.... I turned towards the trees, a scant 8 feet behind me... And SAW it.

Standing between to widely spaced trees on the opposite side of the path, hands grasping the slender pines, stood a creature My mind could not wrap around... I felt a mixture of sheer terror and wonder... So sudden into my life, was this Omnipresent undeniable creature standing before me , I was paralyzed... I couldnt move....

The creature I saw, Towered over me. (Im 6ft1") Id say "he" was 8ft tall.... he was dark in color, heavy in body & bulk, hairy, (so much so that I could perceive hair hanging down from his arms as he grasped the trees) and he was swaying back and forth from left to right between the tree trunks in his hands. I instinctively knew that this thing "could" toss me around and break me in half with little effort, but it made no aggressive move towards me.
I looked straight into this things eyes and he back into mine... there was a soul there in my opinion.

Then, from the corner of my view I saw the flashlight signal from the campfire,... distracted from this unfathomable thing before me by an outside light, (I really cant explain what went on in my mind at that moment) I lifted my horn to my lips, and decimated the silence, with the first loud clear resonant note that began the tune called Taps, and the creature disappeared , vanishing behind the darkness and the trees on the hillside above me.

There are those who question why I didn't get a plaster cast of a foot print...we searched and found none. For the same reason 300 scouts a week are hard pressed to make a single cast of a deer print there... the area is a glacial carve out, and castable deep prints In the immediate area are not as available as one might suspect

I Know what I saw.... I know there are those who wont believe me... the duration of my contact with the creature lasted about as long as it did for you to read its description. The story Ive just told is true, and is my first person account of what I believe to be a genuine Bigfoot sighting in the Uintas .

Has anybody else out there seen him?
heard him?
felt him?
or any other "unexplained" event?
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I've had two experiences. The first happened in Providence Canyon (Cache Valley, Utah) around 1995-ish. I was up mountain biking and hiking in the old quarry at the top of the canyon with some friends and we clearly saw what I could only describe as an upright sasquatch-type figure moving quickly on the opposite side of the canyon, just above the quarry. We watched as it moved up canyon and eventually disappeared into the trees, totally confused by what we were seeing. It was an overcast rainy day. I don't have any idea what it was, but I definitely saw something that still seems unexplainable. A very large, upright, dark colored figure that looked nothing like anything I know exists. No other humans were anywhere nearby. No sounds were made. Really odd. I try not to think, or even talk much about it.

The second incident wasn't necessarily a possible Sasquatch, it was just weird and unexplained. It happened in Cuberant Basin in the Uintas. If there was such a thing as a Bigfoot 'hot spot' in Utah, that would be it. Lots of sightings up around there, several by entire groups of people. All I saw were strange eyes doing strange things, no clue what it was, but it was... really really strange. Full write up of that strange experience in my trip report from that trip here:

With that said, I still can't convince myself that such a creature exists. I just can't accept that there wouldn't be solid proof of it. It just seems totally impossible to me. But I still would probably never solo camp in Cuberant Basin. :cautious:

I've had two experiences. The first happened in Providence Canyon (Cache Valley, Utah) around 1995-ish. I was up mountain biking and hiking in the old quarry at the top of the canyon with some friends and we clearly saw what I could only describe as an upright sasquatch-type figure moving quickly on the opposite side of the canyon, just above the quarry. We watched as it moved up canyon and eventually disappeared, totally confused by what we were seeing. It was an overcast rainy day. I don't have any idea what it was, but I definitely saw something that still seems unexplainable. A very large, upright, dark colored figure that looked nothing like anything I know exists. No other humans were anywhere nearby. No sounds were made. Really odd. I try not to think much about it.

The second incident wasn't necessarily a possible Sasquatch, it was just weird and unexplained. It happened in Cuberant Basin in the Uintas. If there was such a thing as a Bigfoot 'hot spot' in Utah, that would be it. Lots of sightings up around there, several by entire groups of people. All I saw were strange eyes doing strange things, no clue what it was, but it was... really really strange. Full write up of that strange experience in my trip report from that trip here:

With that said, I still can't convince myself that such a creature exists. I just can't accept that there wouldn't be solid proof of it. It just seems totally impossible to me. But I still would probably never solo camp in Cuberant Basin. :cautious:

I had not read that trip report ... But I was betting YOU had seen something Nick... Your up ther all the time. heres a link you may find of interest
My experience isn't bigfoot related but it freaked me out. It was up at priord lake. We were all pretty beat and headed to bed around 11. I shortly dosed off a little after but not even an hour passed and I was awoken by movement close to my tent. I sat there foe a bit trying to listen for what it was. I started to dose off but woke up again to what I can only relate as two small children laughing. I was like what the HELL. I knew nobody was camped up there having been up there all day and seeing nobody. Well let's just say I didn't sleep much that night, a crazy wind that shook the hell out that canyon and a thunderstorm that rolled through ( and I swear it hit the lake right next to us and I started thinking stuff like "if I keep my whole body on my sleeping pad and get struck by lightning, will I live?") didn't help ether.
You'll never get me to believe in Bigfoot...doesn't exist.
Unexplainable happenings? You bet. But it wasn't a "Squatch".
then YOUR the perfect candidate, for this summers Cuberant Backwoods Basin Bigfoot search Team! Congratulations! you've just been DRAFTED!
A SHORT QUOTE FROM NICKS CUBERANT POST..."We were about 50 yards away from camp when I noticed two eyes looking back at me. They were in our camp but I couldn't see what kind of animal it was. They stared back for a moment as we walked closer and then disappeared. It seemed like we were close enough that we should have been able to see the body of the animal but we just couldn't.
We walked into camp and saw it staring back at us again from the woods so we walked towards it. We would walk further and it would disappear. Then those glowing eyes would reappear again, staring right back at us. We followed it a couple hundred yards into the forest and at one point I saw two pairs of eyes staring back. One above the other, I would estimate the taller set to be at about 6-8 feet and the shorter set to be at about 4-5 feet off the ground. And then they were gone. It was really, really creepy the way this animal was so unafraid of us and we could never see anything but those eyes staring back."

you just captured in those paragraphs' something Ive struggled with for years.... Ive never been able to explaine it to anybody, namely, I remember looking into this creatures eyes.... We weren't separated by any more than TEN FEET.... The question I usualy get, is "what did the creatures face look like? Like an APE?".... and I cant answer the question.... Ive never had a memory of the creatures "face" but ohhhhhh those eyes.....
wow nick WOW
Looking at the similar threads below, it looks like there are other Bigfoot discussions that have occurred here before. Anyhow, I lean in the direction of doubting their existence, but I don't discredit any others who have experienced unexplainable sightings.

I used to find this to be an interesting anecdotal account that allegedly occurred in 1835 now largely dismissed, even among Mormons, as Mormon folklore:

On the sad character Cain, an interesting story comes to us from Lycurgus A. Wilson's book on the life of David W. Patten. From the book I quote an extract from a letter by Abraham O. Smoot giving his recollection of David Patten's account of meeting "a very remarkable person who had represented himself as being Cain.'

'As I was riding along the road on my mule I suddenly noticed a very strange personage walking beside me… His head was about even with my shoulders as I sat in my saddle. He wore no clothing, but was covered with hair. His skin was very dark. I asked him where he dwelt and he replied that he had no home, that he was a wanderer in the earth and traveled to and fro. He said he was a very miserable creature, that he had earnestly sought death during his sojourn upon the earth, but that he could not die, and his mission was to destroy the souls of men. About the time he expressed himself thus, I rebuked him in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by virtue of the holy priesthood, and commanded him to go hence, and he immediately departed out of my sight…"

(Miracle of Forgiveness, Spencer W. Kimball, (1969) p 127
Again, it's hard for me to believe in this Bigfoot/Sasquatch stuff...but then again, who can know for sure? Often, myths are rooted in some fact...a story, symbol, or character evolved to represent something that was true and witnessed by many.
It's hard for me to believe that there are enough of them that they are able to reproduce and maintain their species over such a long period of time and over such a large geography and yet be undetected dead or alive. So, list me among the skeptical.

I do believe there are those who promote the myth without having had any experience or evidence, they just like the idea so they speak out for it. I also believe there are those who who have had some kind of experience and become believers because they've "seen" it. This presupposes that vision is in infallible. Our brain has the ability to fill in things that aren't really there, as in physiologic blind spots. Also the things we "see" are are interpreted by brain and given meaning. Either of these processes give us the ability to see things that aren't really there.

That's not to say that those who have had encounters did not, in fact, encounter something. I just don't think it was a bipedal creature.
It's hard for me to believe that there are enough of them that they are able to reproduce and maintain their species over such a long period of time and over such a large geography and yet be undetected dead or alive. So, list me among the skeptical.

I do believe there are those who promote the myth without having had any experience or evidence, they just like the idea so they speak out for it. I also believe there are those who who have had some kind of experience and become believers because they've "seen" it. This presupposes that vision is in infallible. Our brain has the ability to fill in things that aren't really there, as in physiologic blind spots. Also the things we "see" are are interpreted by brain and given meaning. Either of these processes give us the ability to see things that aren't really there.

That's not to say that those who have had encounters did not, in fact, encounter something. I just don't think it was a bipedal creature.
All I can say Dr Ned, is, up until the moment I was face to face with what I saw, Id never given Bigfoot much thought.... Immediately after my sighting, I called to a buddy of mine, Kevin, who was busy near the campfire where the scouts were filing out in the opposite direction... hearing the urgency in my voice he ran to my location, and pronounced me "white as a sheet" ... I told him what I saw... we gathered a small handful of Staff and gave chase to the creature..... probably 45 min had passed as we made our way up the mountain from where Id seen it, and we stopped at a point where we could sit and observe the hillside and lake shore below us.... Myself and another fellow named Steve, saw the thing again at that moment, quickly moving below us between some sparce trees.... Steve had the presence of mind to count the footsteps the thing took between 3 trees in the open.... we agreed on the number of steps... and that's where I watched the creature disappear into the forest forever.... Thinking we may have a chance at collecting a plaster cast print there, we waited for a time, and made our way back down to where we had seen it. My bud, Kevin, was the tallest and Steve was just a tad shorter at 6;3"... neither of them could duplicate the stride the creature took between trees, each having to take an extra step or so to cover the distance.
Whoa. That got posted today all word for word. They must have a google alert set for anything bigfoot related or something. I like how they slip in that legal junk at the end to basically tell you to stick it if you don't want them copying your stuff. Still seems illegal to me.

How did you come across that @Parma?
i was just poking around Twitter and searched "Uintas", and this was one of the results.
That kind of ticks me off that they go around stealing whatever they want with no attribution under the guise of fair use copyright. Too bad they don't publish the part about how it must be for non-profit use. I was about to submit an infringement take down request to YouTube, but it's not my content.