Blast from the Past Trip..... LCR

Love it! That blue water down there blows my mind.

Backpackers had a way cooler style back then!
And bucket hats.

We just need to be the change that we want to see. Maybe I'll try the short shorts this summer... :D
All of that, except the external frames, is still very much in style among thru hiker types :D
This is inspiring me to either hike or get some jorts.
'86 is my guess. Those inflatables remind me of my childhood pool rafts.
I'd really like to see more 70's-90's trip photos scanned in. Seems like a more romantic time to be in the wilderness because of lack of technology and beta, and there were probably fewer people deep in the backcountry.
This is inspiring me to either hike or get some jorts.
You don't get jorts you make them. Jeans with blownout knees and a knife that's it. :lol:
I'll go with 1979.
I'm gonna go with 1974.

Did you find the Sipapu? My anthro class said the Hopi believed it was along the LCR.
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I’ve come back a few times anxiously waiting to see what year it was . . . I’ll go with ‘84.
Back in the day we didn’t call them jorts, they were “cut offs”, (at least in the Midwest)
which in my opinion is a way cooler name. Jorts just sounds too millennial for my taste.;)