Boulder Mail trail to Sand Creek March 2012


Jan 18, 2012
I don't want to take too much away from @ibenick's trip report, but I put together a little video from the trip. This is my first time using the GoPro on a camping trip, but hoping to do more with it in the future. Inspiration comes from wes242 and I really admired his videos he's done. I promise I don't want to copy you 100%, but I also apologize if it appears I'm trying to :).

We had a great time on this trip despite not doing what our original intention was (Spring Canyon). I'm not a huge fan of out and backs, but this one wasn't so bad. I loved the small taste I got of the Boulder Mail trail and can't wait to continue it down into Death Hollow and onto the Escalante. Someday...

Cool video Tyler! I was wondering what kind of footage you got. I love the sequence where you're panning over the slickrock area and you can see some of us hiking. It really captures the scale if the area.