Cow season in upper Paria canyons


Moronic Kitton Mittons
Sep 22, 2020
Odd question. Anyone have a more granular estimate than Mike Kelsey (he says Nov - May), when ranchers start to drop their cows off in the upper Paria River area? Starting around October 10th I'd like to do about a week of cross country slickrock & canyon exploring out in the Hackberry / Stone Donkey / Hogeye canyons above Hwy 89. But I have some alt plans to look at if there are likely to be cows taking their dumps in the water and stinking up the wilderness. Just trying to set expectations. I've been out in the Escalante area the very day ranchers pulled their cows out of the canyon (I think it was May 10th) and let me tell you it was a breath of fresh air (literally). Thanks!