Cycling miles....5,000 for the year


Sep 30, 2014

I began this year with a goal: to ride my bicycle at least 5,000 miles over the course of the year. This was quite a challenge, given the number of miles I traveled on airplanes (135,000+ through today) and the fact that I was not only running my own business, but also teaching two classes at the local college.

But success is mine! This week I rode a number of days when the temps dropped down into the high 30's and watched with glee/relief as the odometer on the bike rolled

over 5,000 miles for the year...and it's now over 62,000 miles since I bought my Bianchi Giro about thirteen years ago.

Now if the weather would just warm up, I'd love to get on the bike and go for a ride...
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Nice work! I don't think I've ever put in more than 2000 in a year.

And I feel ya on the riding in the cold. I remember a few years ago, my friends and I decided to go for a ride on Christmas. It was 15 degrees out with a -5 degree wind chill. There was ice all over the roads and snow blowing in our faces. I made a point of never riding in temperatures below freezing after that.
That's one hairy, audacious goal. And the sweet taste of success is yours! And that inspires me for 2016! I'll have to make a running goal thread to document my progress. Now what exactly do I want to do.....:D
Yeah--It's actually across the country twice. But three years ago I messed up my knee, and have been slowly working it back into shape. This si the first year I really felt I could ride the way I wanted to.

Hope to see you all out on the road--or on the trails!
Whoa! 5K miles. You sure that wasn't a moto-cycle instead of a bi-cycle? (Arlo Guthrie soundtrack kicks in). Impressive.
And 135K in the air... What the heck? I thought I was doing good as a half a million miler. What is your travel need? I mostly retired from being a road warrior. Partially because I don't fit in the seats anymore. :help: I didn't change size - THEY changed the seats.