Delancy Ridge via Driveway Butte, Okanogan NF, WA (5/20)

May 3, 2018

Note, we did not go all the way to the Butte. We used half of the Driveway Butte trail to get within range of Delancy Ridge where we navigated off-trail to the crest. The Driveway Butte trail (the half we saw, ~2 miles) was absolutely breathtaking, the wildflower bloom is absolutely insane and overwhelming especially when making a video / shooting pictures. It was pretty steep especially if you're still kinda out of shape from the winter (like us) but it didn't get too physically hard until we went off trail (blow down navigation and straight up, gains 1300 feet elevation in 4100 feet).

There was one section of the Butte trail with downed trees but was super easy to get across. Toward the little pass/saddle (half way point) of Driveway Butte trail there is a little trail spurring off toward Delancy Ridge, it does not appear on any map. We followed it to an unmarked horse camp or wildland firefighter camp? The area did burn and there is deadfall everywhere. The trail continued a good 50 feet past this camp where we found a poo hole that looked like it hasn't been used since last summer. From there we went off trail to Delancy Ridge. Super steep and tiring but the Grouse sightings, Silver Star Mountain and Gardiner mountain views kept cheering us on as we crested the ridge. Not a soul in sight. It was bliss.

What an amazing day trip!

Also had a deer scare the hell out of us, despite our talking we spooked it only 60 feet away and it pranced off like a linebacker, we could feel the earth shake each time it launched itself powerfully in retreat. Beautiful!

The Front country camp near the TH looks very depressing.

Enjoy the video!
It is okay, I just say "Aww a bird" and don't try to identify because I know I am that bad.
Thanks for sharing! Loved seeing the clouds roll around.