Dirty Devil and Happy Canyon


May 18, 2012
Happy Canyon had always looked a nice non-technical canyon, but I'd never done it as the access road seemed long and rough and, although an easy hike, a little remote and unvisited to go alone just in case of problems.
But @Glasterpiece kindly agreed to come along with his vehicle.
The road was far rockier and wetter than I expected and I'd expected the first 10 miles would be much better than it was, although I've since been told it's currently in better condition than recently years! My SUV had to be parked up after a few miles and I jumped in with Jack in his Tacoma.
At times we were down to 5mph particularly as, having seen no other cars, we were conscious that a breakdown meant up to a 15 mile hike back to paved road and a very expensive tow. We were a bit braver coming out next day.
But we still got to camp on the rim of the Dirty Devil in time for a lovely sunset


Then alpenglow

The hike at dawn to the canyon though I did alone - catching nice moon views before sunrise.

Happy itself had a couple of thigh deep pools and quite a bit of mud. So only once did I bother setting up a tripod to shoot myself - a pity I was alone as I think the shots would have been better with someone in them but that wasn’t to be.
The reflected light towards mid day after I had turned round and started heading out was better so I probably repeated quite a few of the photos taken when heading up canyon.

I particularly liked a gateway like entry spot

Coming back down canyon I couldn't remember what I'd taken photos of, but the light was definitely better now that it was getting into the canyon and reflecting, so it was worth taking anything looking nice.

And a face profile on the right hand wall here?

Although unrelated to the Dirty Devil days before and after them I liked a couple of sunset shots at Smith Rock & Cathedral Valley so I thought I’d tag them on the end.

Thanks for sharing that, looks fantastic.
oh that road is AWFUL. one of the worst ! for sure have 4x4 high clearance, a shovel, extra water, and a rock bar would be nice , don't go after it rains !
How bad is that road after it forks off from poison springs? I drove to dirty devil confluence couple weekends ago with my trailer and didn't think it was too bad.
How bad is that road after it forks off from poison springs? I drove to dirty devil confluence couple weekends ago with my trailer and didn't think it was too bad.

The road gets a lot slower and there are some narrow spots. You have to be careful for some of those little sinkholes in the shale that could possibly eat a tire. There aren't any really difficult spots if you have something like a 4runner (or weren't when I was there last -- I hope to get back there next month and if I do, will report conditions here).
The road gets a lot slower and there are some narrow spots. You have to be careful for some of those little sinkholes in the shale that could possibly eat a tire. There aren't any really difficult spots if you have something like a 4runner (or weren't when I was there last -- I hope to get back there next month and if I do, will report conditions here).
Thanks, hoping to make the trip down there too later this yr.
The problem with the road out of the bottom to the trailhead is the camber. At times you are leaning over a sheer drop off. This is normal for a road that had to be cut around a narrow side and then goes years without maintenance. If you're willing to go the views from the top make it worth the effort.