Embedding Maps

Backcountry Post

Official Information
Staff member
Mar 20, 2012
We've just launched a new feature to make embedding maps into your posts easier than ever.

There are two ways:

1. Embed a map of certain coordinates

2. Embed a saved google map on a high quality USGS Topo Map with GMap4

Either way is simple, you just paste the Google Map URL into your post and backcountrypost will auto-embed it as a map. Too easy!

Check out this video for more details including how to build your own custom maps on Google and embed them as interactive topo maps here on backcountrypost.

<iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/48669902?byline=0&amp;portrait=0" width="900" height="506" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe><br><br><br>[/parsehtml]
Good idea to use this thread as a testing place after the instructions! Mine coming up....

View larger map.
Hey Nick, what do you think all the flares or stars are mid-route?
Looks like the GPS was left on in a pack for a while there.

Hmmm.... maybe you are right. Wandering around at breaks and serious route finding problems..... Thanks. BTW I got reasonably good battery life from my Garmin Oregon 450. 3 sets of AA Lithiums - and I would have only used two except for forgetting to turn the dang thing off one night :facepalm: Sure wish the Garmin Connect and Basecamp software was better though.
The video is a bit outdated now with the new Google Maps engine. I can set it up so that the GMap embed like the one you linked will embed. It'll take me a few though. I'll try to get it done this weekend.
Hmmm.... The media tag is what I use to embed google maps. Cut and paste works fine too but you tried that above and it did not work. I am not that familiar with gmap4. Maybe @Nick can chime in. You have a GPX it looks like. Worst comes to worst you could pull that into a custom google map and use that google map link and it would work as you see my example above. Looks like @Kullaberg63 got it to work above.
The video is a bit outdated now with the new Google Maps engine. I can set it up so that the GMap embed like the one you linked will embed. It'll take me a few though. I'll try to get it done this weekend.
Don't do that just for me, I can re-enter the points. Go outside! Get out and stay out!
I've searched for other threads with updates on this, but haven't found any others. I have tried embedding maps with links from a saved google map, a link from a G4 map, and both a link and iframe embed code from caltopo and none will show up when I go to preview the post. I also clicked the media button and tried pasting each link using that and each time got an error saying it could not be posted as valid media. I've had success with this before, but apparently the recent changes to Google's Map engine have messed things up a bit. That, or am I just missing a step somewhere?

It's not a big deal, but would be nice to occasionally post maps of routes again with different TRs or when pointing out a location of something in another thread.
Try actually posting one here, not just previewing it. I think that some of the latest changes have broken some methods, but I haven't had a chance to sit down and figure it out. The maps above are still working though. They might just not work in preview mode. Feel free to test here all you want.
The Maze one I posted a month ago was simple to create (per video), loaded correctly first try and obviously still works.

I used a desktop Windows computer and Google Maps in classic mode.
Then test some links out here, I shall...

Direct link from CalTopo:

Embed iframe CalTopo:
<iframe width="500px" height="500px" src="http://caltopo.com/map?id=3028"></iframe>

Direct Link from G4:

Direct Link from Google (New):

Embed iframe Google (New):
<iframe src="https://www.google.com/maps/embed?p...i768!4f13.1!5e0!3m2!1sen!2sus!4v1400556043985" width="600" height="450" frameborder="0" style="border:0">

Direct Link from Google (Classic):

View larger map.
Embed from Google (Classic):
<iframe width="425" height="350" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ll=...d=214837407587308977384.0004f9cc7101c4cac0ebb"></iframe><br /><small>View <a href="https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ll=...977384.0004f9cc7101c4cac0ebb&amp;source=embed" style="color:#0000FF;text-align:left">Provo Peak</a> in a larger map</small>
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Interesting. Here's what to take from that. I need to make some tweaks to our software to make the direct links from GMap4 and new Google to work. The CalTopo direct link won't ever work. And the iframe embed codes won't ever work either. The site only allows users a hobbled version of html called BB Code as a security precaution. I'll get that stuff fixed ASAP.
No worries and no rush. At least we know Classic continues to work for now. Thanks.

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I just updated the auto-embed feature for the new version of Google maps. If you have a map in My Maps, all you need to do is grab the link that can be shared with anyone and then copy and paste it here. Like this:


Copying and pasting that link google gives you here on BCP will auto-embed that map like the one below. You don't have to do anything else. Easy, peasy!

I'll update this thread with new instructions and a video soon, but thought I'd post this in the mean time.

And just to make sure everyone knows....

If you have either an old Google map or a new Google map, you can display it with Gmap4. The syntax for both types of maps is the same. Here is a link that will display your Google map on the hi-res topos:

Replace the underline with the unique ID google assigned to your map.
In old Google maps the ID was called msid. For example, 05432215366276592381.0004897737811ac6a6a05
In new Google maps the ID is called mid. For example, zwYORCVD-Pmg.k4yu88E-fudI

To get the unique ID for your map, click the link button in Google maps.

Joseph, the Gmap4 guy