Five Mile Gulch


Mountain Carver
Feb 19, 2012
Five Mile gulch, Cap Reef is known for a big swim near the bottom of the slot section. I did a touch-n-go, bottom up visit to the canyon July 7 and the water is way down. In this photo my hand is at the level I expected. We stopped and asked the Ranger about conditions and they told us the canyon is closed and then changed it to only the top two miles. ?? Why I asked? "Because of the Endangered Species Act". I then asked what species was this and was told they can NOT tell me. ? WT? Can't tell me?? Its a secret? In her defense my friend with me was making stupid jokes and the Ranger took them like a trooper, but come on....closed but can't tell me what animal is "nesting" up there?

IMG_4079 LR.jpg
thanks for the quick share.
i swears the NPS has some sort of vetting system they apply when folks come in lookin' for beta. next time your better off gleaning beta/conditions from the internet. bureaucracy, not keepers, are the true crux to national park canyons.
thanks for the quick share.
i swears the NPS has some sort of vetting system they apply when folks come in lookin' for beta. next time your better off gleaning beta/conditions from the internet. bureaucracy, not keepers, are the true crux to national park canyons.

Yep. It would seem that is especially the case for the NPS in Capitol Reef...