Getting a late start ...


Feb 9, 2017
Hi all, Sean from Pittsburgh here. I've been devouring trip reports on here for the last couple weeks. Unbelievable. We're a hockey family, but lately, my body has been telling me it is time for a new hobby (I'm 45). So, I've been collecting some gear (REI garage sale) and planning some local overnight trips. I have some friends that know what they are doing, and I hope to be ready for some of the routes I see on here in 2018.

I'm also hoping to get my fiancee (major hurdle: bathroom stuff), my 15 year old (major hurdle: walking is boring), and my 9 year old (major hurdle: walking is tiring) interested. The boys will come around, I think. The 9 year old is game for anything. The fiancee and I have done a lot of day hikes in Yosemite and locally. I'm really excited to get rolling with this. I'll probably be asking annoying "noob" questions here and there, so you can look forward to that. In the meantime, I'll daydream and read about cool places to go!

Have a great day all!
I'm working on a lot of the same hurdles. I have two sons, 16 and 8, and a 14 year daughter. My wife is game for it though, but she has some medical issues we need to consider in each trip. Hope to see some trip reports from you soon. Good luck!
Welcome to BCP! As a father of 2 (13 and nearly 12), I will say that even though they were raised rafting, canoeing, hiking, etc, they resist every mention of hiking, backpacking, rafting, etc now but when we actually go and do what we planned, the kids love it and afterwards wonder why they didn't want to go. Teenage inertia, a teenager on the couch wants to stay on the couch. It's a struggle but the rewards are still there.

As for the fiancee', baby steps, if you push too hard, it could destroy everything.

And good luck with all of it!