Gore high traverse


Mar 6, 2014
A Post member shared their trip with me a couple of seasons ago. Last weekend I got a group together and repeated it. We found a classic, high quality point-to-point route consisting of five off-trail passes divided by exquisite high basin traverses. The steep snow offered mild mountaineering challenges but also covered miles of otherwise arduous talus.

We left a popular destination trail early and suffered up the low altitude bushwhack of a trail-less gorge. Exhausted we camped near timberline.

The upper reaches of our valley opened up into beautiful granite slick rock and cascades between tarns interspersed with stands of conifer. The pass at the head was not included in our friend’s route and had no Internet beta, so it was a make-or-break passage to complete the route. The prospect of reversing the lower gorge made us motivated.

The sunny side was ever steepening snow, still crunchy from a mild frost. An escape halfway up unto grassy ledges and boulder problems led us to the top. Of course the shady side was comprised of one narrow, super exposed runnel of perfect snow flanked by towering granite buttresses. We scouted an airy rock entry bypassing the upper 40’ of cornice shaped ice and front-pointed gingerly down. The run-out below was relatively safe but it would have been a long, fast slide. The dog glissaded easily from the get go.

Frozen lakes and easy talus led to a hairy snowy traverse to the base of pass no. 2, which really is a climb of the neighboring peak. The pass itself is too hard on both sides, while the peak is technically easy.

Once on top a clear forecast showed signs of deteriorating with ominous clouds and distant thunder. The circuitous route down involving the north ridge of the peak and some ledges, and took a while causing us to be caught at the very edge of the weather system. More complex terrain by an entrenched lake lead to a quick glissade down a gully splitting the rocky lake outlet wall.

Far below we hunkered down in a large area of spruce right at timberline while the thunderstorms coalesced into full cloud coverage. An hour of zero rumbles from above gave us the confidence to climb up towards the third pass, but we ran out of daylight on a lake bench poised high above the notorious trail-less dark valley below.

The morning saw us romping up easy terrain to the pass, but a confusing layout on the other side took us mistakenly down time consuming rock and finally a glissade to another beautiful lake basin. Again we had to drop way down further to avoid a steep buttress jutting out from the area’s most imposing peak.

Below in the lush gorge we turned left and hit snow almost immediately transforming a long talus to kitty litter scree climb into a cruise. The fourth pass is somewhat popular but this Monday morning was deserted. While steep on both sides we now had regained our snow climbing confidence and easily shrugged off the exposure.

The remaining pass was a simple affair of grass and ledges and led to a meandering descent along brooks and meadows to a long trail slog. Even on this side of the range we saw no one; not even at the trailhead. We had complete solitude since the late morning of day one.

35 miles, 12’k of gain, 3 full days


Heading in


The team, minus one


Gore style bushwhack




Bypassing some ice


Front-pointing with micro spikes


The next pass is the minor peak right of the distinct runnel of snow


Threading gingerly across form one pass to the next


Storm coming in as viewed from the route's high point


From grass to ice


Low elevation struggles


Moody camp..


..but cheerful in the morning


Off route


Nice walking


Last time here it was death scree
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Those snow scenes are fantastic! The crossings & climbings look intense - beyond my ability, so it's fun to see what you did!
That looks like a hard trip, also looks like a great trip

thanks for sharing
A very nice report. The Gore Range has been my "backyard" for the last 46 years. I appreciate you following the informal custom of not telling exactly where you were in the Range. If only I had done even more when I was young. Thanks
Beautiful, I love the Gore Range. I guess I should plan a trip; it's not as far as I thought.
You guys did that in 3 days?!? I did the shortened version of that in 6 (I had planned on 5), and it still wasn't exactly easy! The snow makes it look easier and more fun in some of the photos (especially the last one), but sketchier and trickier in others. It definitely looks like an epic adventure!
You guys did that in 3 days?!? I did the shortened version of that in 6 (I had planned on 5), and it still wasn't exactly easy! The snow makes it look easier and more fun in some of the photos (especially the last one), but sketchier and trickier in others. It definitely looks like an epic adventure!
4 days would have better but we all had work to do and planes to catch so…

I think you had a bike shuttle too - when I do that I'm usually totally spent! We planted a car at the top.

Re-read your report: we also had a hard time finding a good descent off of that pass in the middle. Beforehand I thought it would be simple.
A very nice report. The Gore Range has been my "backyard" for the last 46 years. I appreciate you following the informal custom of not telling exactly where you were in the Range. If only I had done even more when I was young. Thanks
Wow - 46 years! You wouldn't happen to have a copy of the vintage Ormes Gore-Ten Mile Atlas so you can tell me the pass names ?

This sort of trip attract the one percenters: the adventurous few who likes hauling heavy packs slowly over rugged terrain. Peak baggers usually base camp low and skip up and down quickly.
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Wow - 46 years! You wouldn't happen to have a copy of the vintage Ormes Gore-Ten Mile Atlas so you can tell me the pass names ?

This sort of trip attract the one percenters: the adventurous few who likes hauling heavy packs slowly over rugged terrain. Peak baggers usually base camp low and skip up and down quickly.
Yep, I have been in the Silverthorne-Frisco area since 1977. I don't have my own copy of the Orme's Atlas but I borrowed one once and wrote the pass names on my Topo maps. Should be able to help you out. I do have my own copy of " Mountaineering In The Gore Range" by Joe Kramarsic which has a lot of info about history and climbing the peaks. Are there any pass names I can help you with now?
Yep, I have been in the Silverthorne-Frisco area since 1977. I don't have my own copy of the Orme's Atlas but I borrowed one once and wrote the pass names on my Topo maps. Should be able to help you out. I do have my own copy of " Mountaineering In The Gore Range" by Joe Kramarsic which has a lot of info about history and climbing the peaks. Are there any pass names I can help you with now?
Let me send you a PM
Impressive trip! The Gore range isn't that high (by Colorado standards). But they are super steep and have more elevation gain than other ranges. I've always been interested in figuring out which passes are hikeable - it sure would be nice to know which passes you completed on this trip.