Green River Lakes to Titcomb Basin


Jun 16, 2012
Well, my trusty knuckle measurement says that it's about 37 miles from Green River Lakes to Titcomb Basin, but from things I've read online I think it might be closer to 28 miles. Does anyone know for sure what the trail distance is from Green River Lakes to Titcomb Basin or Island Lake in the Winds?
There are a few variations, but this is what my GPS recorded along the route we took from GRL to Island Lake and then out to Elkhart Park.

6.52 - First camp along Green River
19.07 - Summit Lake
26.81 - The upper end of Lower Jean Lake
30.49 - Island Lake via Fremont cutoff (sort of a trail)
36.71 - South end of Hobbs Lake
43.89 - Elkhart Park

(no side trip into Titcomb because my knee was being a POS)

View larger map.
You da man. I realized after I sent that message that I never measured it to be 37 miles. Sometime between measuring and then trying to find mileage online I got confused and forgot what I had measured. I'm getting senile.

Now I've got to start putting together this three week trip...cabin fever is making the trip planning more important!
Keith, you are going to take three weeks to walk from Green River Lakes to Island Lake? Did you lose a foot over there in Tennessee???
Keith, you are going to take three weeks to walk from Green River Lakes to Island Lake? Did you lose a foot over there in Tennessee???
:) No, I think my dad is going to tag along for a portion of the trip so I was trying to figure out distance for that section to see if he would have enough time to do it!
Check my gps track in the resources section. We went out on the trail past Island lake , past Jean lks to Green River TH.....
I must say that trip @Nick posted was excellent. Amazing, differing scenery, way fun, and breath-takingly beautiful.

I've thought about doing it again with my wife this summer, or the next. I'd probably take one more day with her, as that push up to Summit lake would be a little much for her.