
Gregg B.

Feb 11, 2018
I just wanted to introduce myself. I've never joined a group like this because I'm usually in the woods. I work for the US Forest Service on the Okanogan Wenatchee National Forest. I spend more than 100 nights in the Wilderness every summer. I have hiked, hunted, fished, climbed and traveled all over the world from Alaska to Bolivia, Europe and everything in between. I'm looking forward to reading your posts.
Gregg IMG_9437.JPGP1030357.jpg P1030405.jpg21766372_1595212213872263_8675635378791584818_n.jpg
Of those 100 nights, how often do you see or interact with other people?

I often fantasize about spending weeks and months by myself but then
I think about who I'm spending time with and realize I'd need
more intelligent and interesting company.
Of those 100 nights, how often do you see or interact with other people?

I often fantasize about spending weeks and months by myself but then
I think about who I'm spending time with and realize I'd need
more intelligent and interesting company.
@DrNed I'm usually with a partner and sometimes our whole crew (6 of us) if we have a big project. We are a very tight and close team. As for other hikers it really depends on how "deep" we are into the wilderness. On popular trails (PCT) we see people all the time but when we are on other trails we may go 8 days without seeing other hikers.
Gregg, Welcome! Looking forward to what you will bring to BackcountryPost. So you work for the Forest Service with being in the wilderness every summer. Good For You! Have met many of your fellow Forest Service personnel thru the years in my summer wandering treks. Have had great talks with a number of them with especially back in the Thorofare here in NW Wyoming. You must have had quite a life. Now would love to hear of some of your experiences. Wishing You the Best!
Belated welcome to you, @Gregg B. ! You guys out there working in the FS wildernesses are my heroes, and I always tell that to each of you every time I meet one of you on the trail. Thank you for your service!

Now, about that Boundary Trail from Three Fools Creek to Castle Pass (aka "Hundred-Thousand Blow-Downs Trail".....) Is it done yet? ;-)
Belated welcome to you, @Gregg B. ! You guys out there working in the FS wildernesses are my heroes, and I always tell that to each of you every time I meet one of you on the trail. Thank you for your service!

Now, about that Boundary Trail from Three Fools Creek to Castle Pass (aka "Hundred-Thousand Blow-Downs Trail".....) Is it done yet? ;-)
Hey @Langdon Greene Thanks for the kind words! My job is truly a joy. As far as the Boundary Trail goes much of it is not cleared and with the recent fires it will be a jungle gym for quite a while. I'm sure we will gets crews on it again next summer probably with an emphasis on Bunker Hill and the Diamond Creek Fire footprint (which we did this past summer) but when it takes 8 days to clear just a few miles it's easy to see a decade long project. That said don't let fallen trees stop you, go. Set your expectations right, plan well and have a cool adventure! Maybe I'll meet you out there! See ya, Gregg