Guess the Spot: Eastern US Edition


Apr 21, 2017
I doubt that many of us easterners would argue that our side of the country is more scenic than the west, but there is a serious lack of attention given to it at BP. In an attempt to give the states east of the Mississippi River some love, let's play Guess the Spot: Eastern US Edition. This will give those who haven't been out west much a chance to share random photos, show off their skills in recognition, and most importantly, give us easterners something to get excited about.

The original rules, pasted from the original thread:
Simple rules: correctly guess the location of the current photo and when you win, post a new photo for others to guess. Make sure to use the @ tagging feature when someone wins so they don't forget about the thread.

In the hopes of this thread gaining some traction, I'll start off with a place that is fairly well known.

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I have some good guesses on that one, but I am going to hold off, so that more folks might become interested / involved. (But I will join in later.)

And I wholeheartedly endorse this thread. I become indignant anytime I hear a backpacker impugn our beautiful "forest tunnels" as being viewless hiking [sic]. We have some amazing scenery here in the east too.

(Incidentally, I know of about 20 or 30 similar looking waterfalls in the TN / GA / NC / SC area....)
Sorry @JDWalters. Been trying to find something other than waterfalls but no luck so far. This place is noted for its number of falls rather than one in particular. 22 named falls on this trail alone and many others in the area

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No problem! I just didn't want the thread to die. I have a guess at what this is (thanks to the hint), but I'll hold off for now.
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Only places I know of that have falls like that are Ohio, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia..... so let's go with, is this in Ohio?
I doubt that many of us easterners would argue that our side of the country is more scenic than the west, but there is a serious lack of attention given to it at BP. In an attempt to give the states east of the Mississippi River some love, let's play Guess the Spot: Eastern US Edition. This will give those who haven't been out west much a chance to share random photos, show off their skills in recognition, and most importantly, give us easterners something to get excited about.

In the hopes of this thread gaining some traction, I'll start off with a place that is fairly well known.

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thanks for starting this.