

Feb 17, 2015
I am considering buying a hammock to use on short 1-2 night trips into the back country at Yellowstone (and possibly elsewhere) but could use some help in how to choose a good one. What tips do you have for buying or using a hammock? How would the advantages and disadvantages of hammocks compare to using a tent on my overnights about 2-4 miles in the back country?

Thanks for your feedback!
I don't think there is really any one hammock that is any better than the other, I would probably stay away from big box store hammocks though.
That being said i have a couple gran trunk hammocks and really like them, one is a single the other a double. I got mine thinking it would be easier, lighter and take up less space than a tent and other than the tent poles i was wrong. My hammock with straps to hang it a rain fly and rope to hang the rain fly as well as still needing tent stakes for the rain fly is no smaller or lighter than my one person tent if it wasn't for the tent poles.
Pros to the hammock are you don't need flat ground to set it up, rocks and sticks don't matter either. Cons are finding trees that are a decent distance apart to hang it from ( surprisingly hard to do ) you will not be as warm in a hammock as you would in a tent.
There was a learning process that I had to go through before I was able to use my hammock backpacking and be able to sleep in relative comfort for any period of time, not sure what others experienced. I will still use the hammock but sometimes for me it is just easier to bring the tent.
My hammock setup in the summer (underquilt and top quilt and tarp and hammock) are lighter than most 1-man tents and a lot more comfortable. Living on the east coast, trees are not a problem and as mentioned above, level ground is not needed.

Check out hammockforums.net for way more than you ever wanted to know about hammocks and camping.

There are a lot of "cottage manufacturers" that are likely better than what you can buy in the store. Lots of info on hammockforums