Hello. I'm noob here.

Laura V.

I'm not lost. I'm on an adventure.
Feb 15, 2021

I'm new to the site but not to exploring our beautiful public lands. I hail from the Bay Area and love doing just about anything that gets me outdoors and away from the city. In particular, I'm into backpacking, canyoneering, river rafting, and photography. I have recently started solo backpacking which is both exciting and a little intimidating. I have upcoming trips planned for Canyonlands, the Manti-La Sals, Death Valley, and the Idaho Wilderness Trail. Happy to be here sharing and learning with you!
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Welcome, similar story here...from the BA and have been on just a few solo trips so far but have more planned. It's a helpful and inspiring group here from what I've experienced.

You mentioned in the Salt Creek thread living in Denali NP. Care to share any stories/photos? Did you work at one of the Wonder Lake lodges?

You mentioned in the Salt Creek thread living in Denali NP. Care to share any stories/photos? Did you work at one of the Wonder Lake lodges?
Hello. Thanks for the welcome!

Yes! It was 20 years ago (!), so my pictures are on actual film and most have not been digitized. I do have some that I will share when I have a little time to pull them together. I worked for Aramark managing a gift shop in a hotel just inside the boundaries of the park (the hotel has since been dismantled and everything was moved to the George Parks Highway). My neighbor at the time was a naturalist interpreter and bus driver, so I got many free rides out to Wonder Lake and the Eielson area. I had some fun adventures exploring the Savage, Toklat, and Teklanika river areas while there. Some other great hikes were outside the park in the area around Livengood and Fairbanks. I managed to get a few consecutive days off once and drove the Dalton Highway to Prudhoe Bay in a rented 2 WD sedan. In hindsight, that wasn't a good plan, but I got good at changing tires and saw some amazing scenery and wildlife, especially in the Brooks Range. At the time, I was a very green outdoors person and also a starving college student. My aptitude for and ability to go on impressive forays into the wilderness were minimal, but that is where my outdoor wanderlust really began. I remember my first overnight trip being a real (mis)adventure. I went with a similarly green friend on a single overnight trip along the Nenana River. Our packs must have weighed 50 pounds. We had no map, no plan, a few peanut butter sandwiches, and 40 pounds of who knows what that shouldn't have been hauled anywhere outside. I am embarrassed when I think of that trip, but it is still one of my most memorable. I'll dig through my stuff and post anything useful (or laughable) that I encounter.
Hello Everybody
I am Kitosa, i also new here. Feeling very nice to be here.
I hope everybody will give help and support about all of secret tips and tricks about hiking, camping, backpacking. At the same time, I expect we can better build ourselves by sharing each other’s knowledge.
