Hi from Kerrie in Durango, CO

Jun 7, 2020
I’ve been a lurker for a long time but finally decided to ”officially” join. I am a big dreamer and sometimes the dreams happen! My husband Ray and I are thru hikers, longtime backpackers, packrafters, skiers, trail runners, and well, you get the point. Some of what we have done: Arctic Circle Trail (Greenland), Hayduke Trail, Sierra High Route, Yosemite High Route, Colorado Trail, John Muir Trail, Teton Crest Trail, and thousands of miles in the Grand Canyon. I really enjoy off-trail hiking the most. Some of our trips are detailed on my site https://thru.live/ . Feel free to visit if you are interested. My latest dreams are to hike the Idaho Centennial Trail and Nordkalottelsden Trail in Norway/Sweden/Finland. So if you have knowledge of these 2 trails, please let me know. I hope to chat with some of you and get other good ideas.


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Welcome! That's a solid collection of wonderful trips. I'm particularly intrigued by the Grand Canyon stuff. I know there's a group of dedicated GC'ers out there who've hiked just about every inch of trail in the park, and off-trail routes to boot. Sounds like you're one of them. That's really cool! Any favorite routes in the canyon?

I've done the ICT from the Sawtooths to the Canadian border. Happy to assist if you've got questions.
Thank you
Welcome! That's a solid collection of wonderful trips. I'm particularly intrigued by the Grand Canyon stuff. I know there's a group of dedicated GC'ers out there who've hiked just about every inch of trail in the park, and off-trail routes to boot. Sounds like you're one of them. That's really cool! Any favorite routes in the canyon?

I've done the ICT from the Sawtooths to the Canadian border. Happy to assist if you've got questions.
Thank you! I will definitely be checking with you for more info on the ICT. I have the gpx file downloaded to Gaia but haven’t gotten much beyond that yet. There’s so much in the Grand Canyon, it’s hard to pick out anything specifically. I do love the western part of the Grand Canyon for it’s remoteness and anything along the Esplanade Sandstone.
Welcome! Great photos.
For more info about Nordic trails: tagging @norwegianxplorer - maybe he has knowledge about the trail? He might have a YouTube channel too. If he doesn't see this, then try to private message him via BCP.
Thank you for the suggestion! I will check in with him.
That's a great bunch of trips you've done! Not wanting to scare you away, but is there any chance of seeing some trip reports written up?
Sure. I have a website with some of our trip reports at https://thru.live/ I still have a number of trips reports to complete (Weminuche High Route, trip in Water Pocket fold south of Capitol Reef, Yosemite High Route, Teton Crest Trail, Off-trail backpack in the Ruby Mountains). Yikes, I should be working on those reports now instead of dreaming up more. I will probably post summary reports on this site for future trips as well.
I've come across your blog before! Very nice. Was any of your trips in particular your favorite?
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I've come across your blog before! Very nice. Was any of your trips in particular your favorite?
That’s a tough one. I guess I have favorite areas more than favorite trips. I love western Grand Canyon (canyons on the north side) and the Kanab Creek area. Also, I am fond of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. The off-trail hiking there is pretty phemonenal.
That’s a tough one. I guess I have favorite areas more than favorite trips. I love western Grand Canyon (canyons on the north side) and the Kanab Creek area. Also, I am fond of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. The off-trail hiking there is pretty phemonenal.
I'm dying to explore the GC downstream of Kanab Creek. Only ever been thru there once, on the Hayduke. Loved it, but I would have preferred if it were about 3x as long!
Hi Kerrie! Rather than introducing myself on a separate thread I'm hijacking yours to say that I also live in Durango and probably have seen you out on the trails before without knowing it :) And on a completely unrelated note, I just took a peek at your website and thought that your professional background sounds very well suited to the board of directors of the local org that I work for. If that sounds interesting to you, shoot me a message!