Location Tagging Feature


Aug 9, 2007
Many of you have asked for this, and I am happy to say that it is finally here. You can now tag your trip reports to specific areas, or perhaps more importantly, you will now be able to filter trip reports to certain areas and regions. Heading to Uintas and want to see only Uintas area reports? Easy, just filter reports tagged with Uintas. http://backcountrypost.com/tags/uintas/

or Glen Canyon

or the Wasatch

Or any of the tags:

Sweet, eh? This is how it will look in threads. Just click on a tag and you go to all reports tagged like that:


EDIT: reformulating my thoughts on what tags to use. I'll post back shortly. As of now you guys can ad tags from a pre-existing selection to your own reports but you can't create new tags.
Wow. When you first described it in your post, it sounded so simple. Haha. This is a pretty complex thing to pull off! Is the main goal right now to only establish tags for places popular with BCP users?

I like the idea of state tags. Perhaps you could start at the broadest with states and then narrow down as far as needed. Like with the Island in the Sky Example you had, but with the highest tag in the hierarchy being Utah (Utah > Canyonlands > The Maze > Needles > Island in the Sky). Or something like that. But then you have the question of which areas belong to which tier of the general hierarchy, and would the ranking be determined by size, popularity, or both? I'm not so sure about that.
I think I was overthinking what tags to use. I deleted my list and thought process for the moment. I'm just going through reports tagging them and I think what makes the most sense is to do it like this:

State, Region/Area and then if it's a very popular area like Coyote Gulch, add that as well. You can see the tag cloud grow as I tag more reports:

awesome. i was so over searching 'Alaska' and having the Tetons come up every time fore that ill named basin.
thanks Nick. can't tell you how awesome this is
Hey Nick, so I see the tags you added and see that we can click on them to take us to all the reports with that tag... but I'm not seeing how we add tags to a report? I know you said we can't create new tag categories, but how do we add tags from the existing categories? Or am I missing something?
Hey Nick, so I see the tags you added and see that we can click on them to take us to all the reports with that tag... but I'm not seeing how we add tags to a report? I know you said we can't create new tag categories, but how do we add tags from the existing categories? Or am I missing something?

At the moment, I had to turn off the ability for people to self tag. The reason is that it will allow tags for threads anywhere on the forum. I'm thinking we want to limit this to trip reports only, not trip planning threads and such. Right? So for the moment, I'll tag things as they get posted until I find a work around.