Mount Agassiz Beta

Devin Ashby

Don't Bust The Crust!
Mar 4, 2016
Hey guys, unfortunately Summit Post is very little help as far as beta for hiking Mount Agassiz. The plan is to head there this weekend and go for the summit via Naturalist Basin.

Questions though... I haven't made it to the Uintas yet this year, so curious what snow conditions are at the high altitudes, as in should I bring my micro spikes?
Second, is it easier to gain the ridge from Blue lake or should we camp at Le Conte lake and gain the ridge there?

Any beta would be nice as our plan is to leave from Salt Lake around noon, hike in, setup camp and eat a quick meal, then head for the summit. Then have Camp ready for a nice relaxing evening and early hike out in Saturday.

I can't give specific info on the peak but can tell you generally the snow came out of the western Uintas very quickly during June. The basins are clear, as are most of the ridge lines. Individual routes/passes might still be holding snow but not in significant quantities, from what I've seen.
I can't give specific info on the peak but can tell you generally the snow came out of the western Uintas very quickly during June. The basins are clear, as are most of the ridge lines. Individual routes/passes might still be holding snow but not in significant quantities, from what I've seen.
Thank you! That is great info!
Just randomly, as a very casual mountaineer, I'd like to put in that you can be safe by kicking steps in the snow with your boots and using an axe for self-belay, you can be safe with careful use of crampons and an axe, but I'd leave the microspikes for shoveling the driveway. (Speaking as an owner of all these things.)