MSR Guardian Purifier


Aug 9, 2007
This looks pretty impressive. And before you think 'no way am I going back to a pump', take a closer look. Self cleaning, zero maintenance, zero back-flushing and it can filter ANYTHING. Sewage or silt. It even gets out viruses. All at a blazing 2.5 liters per minute. I don't see the weight listed but it's hollow fiber so I imagine it's pretty light. And apparently they did something to make it so you can let it freeze!

Well it seems this awesome filter has finally hit the market. Unfortunately, MSR seems to have had their head stuck up their asses and priced it at an astounding $349 MSRP. I hope consumers respond by not buying it. I know I won't. For $350, my water filter better sprout legs, find water, purify it, then deliver it to me. With a cocktail on the side, please. Or at least a massage or foot rub, or something.
Well it seems this awesome filter has finally hit the market. Unfortunately, MSR seems to have had their head stuck up their asses and priced it at an astounding $349 MSRP. I hope consumers respond by not buying it. I know I won't. For $350, my water filter better sprout legs, find water, purify it, then deliver it to me. With a cocktail on the side, please. Or at least a massage or foot rub, or something.

The only way to justify a cost like that is if I was going to spend some serious time in a place with terrible water, like ionno Africa?

Personally platypus gravity filter does everything I need for $99.
One filter to rule them all.... Too bad on the price, I am still looking for the perfect solution for myself. Tried pumps, straws, chemicals, etc.... so far the pump is my favorite, but I steer away from it because of the size and weight.
One filter to rule them all.... Too bad on the price, I am still looking for the perfect solution for myself. Tried pumps, straws, chemicals, etc.... so far the pump is my favorite, but I steer away from it because of the size and weight.
Did you try the Sawyer Mini? I love the weight, size and durability of that one.

I'd consider this MSR one if its cost was significantly reduced. Looks totally awesome.
That thing is sweet but yeah... Price will have to come down a ton before they get any serious amount of sales.

I got a Katadyn Gravity Camp filter last year and its been one of my favorite purchases for a long time. Holds a ton, cut down trips to get water and no more pumping! The weight isn't comparable to a sawyer mini but at 11 oz it is lighter then most pumps. You do have to have a decently clean water source to begin with so it is NOT a solution for every trip but for the Uintas I am seriously loving this thing and how effortless and quick it is!
we got one in at work the other day. thing is light

Please let us know how it works in those silty canyon country streams when you get a chance. From the company videos it looks to work fine without clogging but I like to hear from others. My MSR Miniworks clogs terribly to the point that it is useless in those environs and I have had to find springs and seeps to fill our needs which is time consuming and at times a balancing act when having to climb 30' to get to one and hold the container as those showering drops hit here and there.

I like the fact that it is a purifier and not just a filter and the excellent fact it does not use nasty chemicals.
Does anyone use it thus far?
After some research on water filter systems I´m actually considering the MSR Guardian although it`s so expansive. I really don`t want to get sick. A real advantage is its protection against viruses.
Any alternatives considering that I might have to filter silty water? Does it make sense to use a filter AND something against viruses (UV light?)?
Where are you going to use it, @Dirkules? While very cool in many ways, the Guardian is overkill if you're just filtering stuff in the backcountry in places like the southwest US.
We want to hike Salt Creek and a couple of days in the Maze this June. I thought the Guardian might be a good choice concerning the silty water...
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