Mt Olympus - a Noob's First Post


Aug 18, 2014
As I recent transplant to SLC, I've found this site to be tremendously helpful and I'm at a point now where ..... well, I want to evolve beyond "post parasite" to a more balanced "post parasite-contributor". This is my first post so feel free to provide any feedback / suggestions / best practices ........ or simply feel free to call me a NOOB if that seems appropriate.

Mt Olympus - yes, I realize this is a very popular hike, with a plethora of trip posts all over zeee interwebs but it was my first time hiking it and well, I found it ridiculously enjoyable. I'm still overwhelmed by the sheer access to amazing hikes / mountain fun around SLC. I could probably spend a decade just playing around in the Wasatch.

The Trip
EVERY life event starts off on the right foot when you encounter a literal clown car on your way to said event. Is it me or has the clown car been upgraded in recent years? Definitely a macro indicator of a strong economy if you ask me. And for the record, this was at a stop light. I am a responsible driver & only engaged in clown photography at a full stop.

Parking lot was about at capacity but I managed to squeeze in - that large outcropping on the left appears to be a popular destination for yoga stance picturesimg002.jpg


Snapped a quick picture about 10 mins in -- I had to restrain myself from snapping pictures every 5 mins. Absolutely gorgeous views all the way up. And for the record, "snapping" is really iphone "tapping" for this amateur. One day I may invest in one of those fancy light capturing devices

Another amazing view

The small creek at 6,256 feet - Although tempted, I didn't stop to bathe.

Saddle around 8,400 feet -- lots of people hanging out in this area. Ideal lunch / resting point

Start of the scramble. I think it was a class 3 in parts but nothing really difficult and in fact, very enjoyable -- definitely my favorite part of the hike. 15 mins maybe to the top

"Why did you move to Utah, John?" ........ no comment necessary

A little R&R before the descent

The descent was pretty enjoyable - I only fell on my a$$ once and that was due a bit of over-eagerness on my part and the snow / ice / mud combination right below the saddle. I ran most of the lower trail and was down in no time.

Overall - I really enjoyed this hike. It was a bit busy on the descent but the conditions were perfect, the distance / elevation was just right for a leisurely Sunday hike and most importantly, the scenery was absolutely amazing (yet again). I am a big fan of Utah if you haven't noticed. :)

Below are the tracks from the trip - notice the 0.5 mile northbound "exploration" I unintentionally added to the trip at the beginning ...... NOOOOOB

And one final "gem". Sometimes I really impress myself ......

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Great report @JohnP . I was up there two weeks ago. It looks like most of the snow has melted off the top. Is the trail still icy just below the saddle? Next up, you'll have to try the north summit. :)
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Were there really only 3 clowns in that car? I'd estimate you can squeeze at least 15 clowns in there to come tumbling out at the circus!
Nice report! You couldn't have moved to a better place if you want to take up hiking. Where did you live before SLC?
Something all new-to-SLC outdoorsy people should pick up is Veranth's _Hiking the Wasatch_ (make sure to get the new edition, not the 1990s one). It's a great complement to sites like this.
Something all new-to-SLC outdoorsy people should pick up is Veranth's _Hiking the Wasatch_ (make sure to get the new edition, not the 1990s one). It's a great complement to sites like this.
Or! Get the 1990's era one for some good old-timey trespassing fun!

Very nice trip report @JohnP! Last year (about average snow year, from what I've heard) there was considerably more snow on Olympus during mid-May. How bad were the crowds? You're smart to do it early and avoid the thronging hordes of humanity that stampede up Olympus starting in early June. Glad to see a newcomer enjoying some of the gems Utah has to offer. I have a feeling you'll like it here!
Thanks for comments / feedback!

@scatman - still a bit of ice & snow below the saddle but nothing too bad. North Summit you say? Is that the same as the "West Slabs" route? If so, I'm definitely intrigued ..... but looks pretty technical. I have a lot of hikes on the list before I seriously look into that one :)

@piper01 - I believe there were 4 total clowns and yes, definitely not maximizing the clown capacity of that vehicle.

@Vegan.Hiker - thanks! I moved here from Baaaaahstan but originally from Chicago. Flat big cities to mountainous wonderland!

@regehr / @LarryBoy - considered it added to the list. I have the "60 Hikes w/in 60 Miles" by Greg Witt but "Hiking the Wasatch" looks like a great addition.
EVERY life event starts off on the right foot when you encounter a literal clown car on your way to said event. Is it me or has the clown car been upgraded in recent years? Definitely a macro indicator of a strong economy if you ask me. And for the record, this was at a stop light. I am a responsible driver & only engaged in clown photography at a full stop.

Okay, one more thing to add. Last year I was driving up to Park City with my wife and we passed a clown. He was very much into whatever was on his phone screen. My wife snapped a pic as we went by. He seemed not so pleased to get his photo taken. Scaaaaaary clowns!

@xjblue is correct. Start at the Neffs Canyon Trailhead; follow the trail for a half mile, then take a right up Norths Fork. After another three tenths of a mile, leave the main drainage and work your way up the couloir. If done correctly, you'll pop up on the ridge west of the north summit. Then just work your way along the ridge until you hit an impassable cliff. At this point, drop down off the ridge and begin working your way slightly to the southeast until you reach a chute that leads directly to the summit.

You'll want to make sure you leave the main drainage up Norths Fork at the right point. If you continue south up the Norths Fork to the next couloir to the south you'll have what I term a few "butt pucker moments" as you work your way back to the correct route.

Here's some images of the correct way and the "butt pucker" route.

North Summit Correct Route Images

North Summit Incorrect Route Images

Route Map for north and south summits
I'd recommend the WMC hiking guide over Sixty Hikes within Sixty Miles, if I had to choose. YMMV.

Within a month or so, I bet the Lake Blanche trail will be doable, given the low snow year. Bring some spikes for icy trails. It's definitely in the running for prettiest lake in the Wasatch and a perfect introduction to hiking in the Wasatch
@scatman - thanks for the beta! consider it on the list!

@LarryBoy - Lake Blanche has been added as well

Thanks again everyone - love this site!
If you do Lake Blanche, be sure and continue up to Lillian and Florence too, and maybe go a bit higher. Beautiful views down on the Lakes from up near Dromedary Peak. And the views of Sundial from across Florence and Lillian are among the most beautiful in the Wasatch.