Needles District Loop - Multi Day Trip

Devin Ashby

Don't Bust The Crust!
Mar 4, 2016
Hey all,
I am planning a trip for the Needles District and looking to do a large loop and need some additional info/beta.

Here's what I am thinking. I've done the Chesler Park Loop from the Elephant Hill trailhead. But I am looking to do the following and curious on how many miles it may be, best route, and available water information. I am looking at November or December to do this so I don't have to pack water.

Here's the route I am thinking:
- Squaw Flat Trailhead > Peekaboo Trail > Squaw Canyon > Druid Arch Junction > Chesler Park > Joint Trail > Then north through north side of Chesler > around north west side of elephant canyon > back to squaw flat trailhead.

Thoughts on this and how many days to potential plan?
Others on here know the place inside out and can offer way more help than I can, but I believe the route you describe is very similar to the one I'm doing next month. My route is below, color coded by day. I reserved campsites for 5 nights but my first night is only a half mile or so from the Squaw Flat TH because I am flying from NY to SLC and driving from SLC to squaw flat that same day. I'll post my campsite schedule below too in case that helps. Like I said though, I can't offer much in the way of advice since this will be my first time in the needles.


Devin, if you draw your own map and plan like Vegan did you will know the mileage. There are many segments of your route described in this site. No one, likely, has traveled your whole idea. Hunt around. Building the trip is half the fun.