New guy


Apr 21, 2014
Hello, my name is Trevor and I was introduced to this site by miss buffalo and sixstringsteve.

I have livd in Utah my entire life and have been wanting to see more of this amazing state. I have been friends with sixstringsteve for several years now and have gone on many trips with him.

I live in Sandy and work for Costco.

I am currently working on moving more toward the UL realm and hope to strike a balance that fits my skill and comfort levels. I hope one day to have the skill set and knowledge to move farther toward the UL side as I can defiantly see the benefits it offers. That said I still highly enjoy vehicle camping; setting up a base camp and being able to explore a surrounding area. In fact, I would like to do more of this type of camping/exploring and have been eyeing a Spring bar tent while also looking for a good UL shelter system that I can wrap my head around. (Still can't make the move to a tarp setup)

I look forward to learning new tricks and gaining new insights that will help me with these goals while also looking forward to meeting new people.