Noob from NC


May 8, 2019
Hello everyone, HappyIdiot here. I just found this site. Sooo....
I am in my late 40s and have been day hiking pretty regularly with a few weekend overnight trips. I have finally worked my way to the point that I have enough vacation to spend with my family throughout the year and save a few days for for some hiking that involves the backcountry for 7-10 days at a time(1-2 times per year). I’m going to do a 100 miles on the AT hike this fall (not really backcountry). But have been really enchanted with Utah and plan to get out there in the next year or two. I lived in Phoenix for a few years and hiked the White tanks and the Superstition along with the San francisco in Flagstaff (over 20 years ago). Other than that got my wife, 2 adult children and a 9 yr old little girl that likes to hike. I also enjoy woodworking with hand tools.This place looks like it will be a great resource.
Thanks to everyone for the kind welcome!!
@ LarryBoy I will be doing Springer to just over the NC border is the plan but 10 days is my limit. It may let me cover more maybe less. We shall see.....
Welcome neighbor! Sounds like we share two things in common. Living in NC and love of the southwest
I think you'll like it here.

I'm gonna be a happy idiot
And struggle for the legal tender
Where the ads take aim and lay their claim
To the heart and the soul of the spender

I love it.
Welcome from another SE person.

Where in NC are you? Where do you dayhike? I make it down to western NC a couple times a year for car camping and backpacking
Welcome from another SE person.

Where in NC are you? Where do you dayhike? I make it down to western NC a couple times a year for car camping and backpacking
wsp_scott, I’m in a small town called Catawba about 1.5 hours east of Asheville and south of Boone. We have quite a few options around here with some small state parks close by Crowders Mountain, South Mountain, and Lake Norman State parks. I regularly visit Boone for hikes(my daughter goes to college at App State.) DuPont State Park is great if you like waterfalls and who doesn’t. Then there are all the trails of the Blue Ridge Parkway.