OHV tails close to lakes


Jul 16, 2018
So I’ve been wanting to explore the Uintas and camp near a lake, but a few of the trails I’ve mapped seem to lead to a trailhead a few 50 yards or so away from the bodies of water. I do mainly car camping so a lot of my gear remains in the car, are there trails that are open access to motorized travel that’s lead to within close proximity of the lake that I can set up camp at? Rugged terrain isn’t an issue, just finding an area that is allowed to travel on is the main thing.

This way I don’t have to run back and forth to get things from my fridge, or detach a stove etc.
Sorry for the late reply on this, I somehow didn't see it!

There are a few lakes up Murdock Basin Road that go right near or right up to a lake. Unfortunately, you're rarely going to be alone on these lakes. Echo Lake is a great lake that lets you drive right up to it, and there are other lakes around you can hike to from there. If you go midweek, you might be lucky and be alone, but if you go on the weekend, expect company.