Outlook poor for fires in the West

We burned off bandelier back in 2011 the ski hill and the caldera...
Ive hikied all over Bandeliers backcountry.. th 90s fire destroyed some of th trails due to erosion afterwards and they didnt rebuild.. got another fire close currently within a few miles. Hope they stop it. I have a trip planned there in Sept on th way back from Yellowstone
We burned off bandelier back in 2011 the ski hill and the caldera...
The fire scar from Los Conchas is burning again, apparently...tall grasses. The winds up there have caused difficult conditions. The briefing from yesterday indicates good news for the rest of the week though, with any luck. The fire jumped a road just outside bandelier yesterday or the day before, and is at the head of alamo and capulin canyons, but they seemed confident they have the resources in place to mitigate the spread. in the north and the southwest containment should increase today and tomorrow.

The fire scar from Los Conchas is burning again, apparently...tall grasses. The winds up there have caused difficult conditions. The briefing from yesterday indicates good news for the rest of the week though, with any luck. The fire jumped a road just outside bandelier yesterday or the day before, and is at the head of alamo and capulin canyons, but they seemed confident they have the resources in place to mitigate the spread. in the north and the southwest containment should increase today and tomorrow.

Ouch….hope they can stop it. Need lots of rain in th Rockies n th rest of th country this summer!