Paria Canyon-Vermillion Cliffs Wilderness, UT-AZ Backpack: April 26-29, 2019: Day 1 Buckskin Gulch

John Morrow

May 22, 2015
There's much out on the internets about this one. This is the classic Buckskin Gulch/Paria Canyon thruhike. So I'll make it a photo tour mostly. Petroglyphs extraordinaire (though I don't show a lot). Feel like I'm living in the past reminiscing on my annual UT trip.

I haven't posted like usual. I've had several agency folks across Utah talk to/email me in criticism regarding the level of detail in my trip reports. Specifically, my cross country route maps, rock art photos and ancestral puebloan habitations. In those parks and monuments I am not yet decided how/why I'll write trip reports. I see their point. This one is a no brainer, however. Kimberly, Ed and Jon made for great partners.

Wire Pass TH--->Wire Pass--->Buckskin Gulch--->Paria River Canyon--->Lee's Ferry. Shuttle required. 70 miles driving to place the second vehicle at Lee's Ferry.

Day 1 Down Buckskin to within 1/4 mile of the Paria confluence.

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Middle route exit scout, north side:

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Lower Buckskin to camp:


More Pics Here:

Part 1 Here:
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Thanks for this. I'll be doing Paria from Whitehouse to Lee's Ferry in June.
Great photos - brings back such happy memories to see them!