Partner(s) for less-beaten routes in & around Zion NP


May 18, 2012
Would anyone like to go with me on September 19 to any of the following places - Pine Creek, The Subway, or Fat Man's Misery Canyon - as I have done all the Zion NP hiking trails previously, but I will have a free day in Springdale while my friend is making his first visit to the park's busiest tourist spots when we pass through on our vacation from the UK.
Ideally I'd like to canyoneer Pine Creek as I gather it's less than a full day and easier to get a permit than The Subway. Otherwise I could try for a Subway permit or cancellation. Or Misery Canyon - a very cool-looking slot - I'm told it's possible to hike to in a day from Checkerboard Mesa and then explore a bit from its junction with Parunuweap bottom up.
One catch with my plan - I'm pretty fit having done several 20plus mile hikes recently and I've rapelled about 4 times, but everything was laid on for me for those rapells so for Pine Creek or Subway I'd have to go with someone who knows what they're doing and can help me along although I can rent any equipment - and in return I'd pay towards your trip to Springdale (gas or accommodation or meals) and I'd help with a vehicle to shuttle you back to the trip startpoint. I'm dying to see them and there's no other way as I would pay for a guided trip or tour, but outfitters are not allowed to take trips within park boundaries, so the only way I can see them is by someone willing to let me join them, which would be hugely appreciated.
I'm told if I do a one-day course I'd be capable of going myself, but I don't think I want to risk doing something like that as a first solo attempt.
As for Misery Canyon that's not technical if someone just fancies a scenic hike, but it does require some map/compass route-finding.
If by any chance anyone fancies any of these, please email me direct on