Pocket Cam Pics - Let's see 'em!


Jun 14, 2012
Starting to go through pictures from a trip last weekend, my little S100 is the only camera I took. Going through them, they aren't the same quality I can get with my 60D, especially noise in low light and sharpness around the edges, but really, it's me that is lacking talent and skill, much more than the little camera is lacking capability.

Got me thinking that I bet some of you uber talented folks have some great shots from your pocket cameras. So how about posting some of 'em up?

Maybe just for this thread, define "pocket camera" as any camera with a non-interchangeable lens, that will fit in your pocket.

I don't have any that are all that great, but I'll find a couple of my favorites from my S100 to post later.

I've really enjoyed my S95...


I've always considered myself a non-photographer and just snap a few iPhone pics while hiking. But this forum has inspired me to up my game a little bit. I'll still leave the DSLR duties to my wife, but I picked up a cheap little Canon 340HS point and shoot this week. I'm hoping I can make a little noise in this thread going forward!
I will have to post up some of my favorite pics from Iraq when I was there in 2004... Since I am at work, it will have to wait till I can get to my computer at home. While I may have some very gory pics from over there that I was able to get my hands on, I will only post the best non gore ones that I took myself to share with you guys and gals.
Thanks! It was taken from Silver Creek, Idaho. It was an amazing sunset. The entire sky was lit up.
I spend quite a bit of time up in that neck of the woods. My brother in law lives in Carey, Idaho. There are definitely plenty of opportunities for photo taking in that area. I think you live up that direction? Have you ever been to Iron bog lake? I hope to make it there later this fall after the smoke clears. I have seen some of the pics my brother in law has taken and want to see it first hand.
This summer in Hawai'i I took my Canon Powershot S110 to a new level as I bought an UW housing.
I'm pleased with the results but the camera often takes longer to focus on an object.
I will soon write a review for the UW housing after I tested it a bit more in wet canyons, on wet hikes and on kayak trips


Yellow Tang


Moorish Idol


Humuhumunukunukuapua'a or Reef Triggerfish
Random shots off my point and shoot:

Banner Peak, Sept 09.jpg
Banner Peak in Garnet Lake, Eastern Sierra

Tunnels Beach.jpg

Tunnels Beach, Kauai

Stan overlooking the Owens Valley.jpg

Stan overlooking the Owens Valley

Cuenos Del Paine.jpg

Cuernos Del Paine, Patagonia

Capitol Reef Road.jpg

My first trip to Capitol Reef

Denali in Fall.jpg

Denali in Fall

I think I processed all of these in Lightroom, but being jpg's there's only so much enhancing. I think my point and shoot takes better photos than my Canon Rebel.
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Thank you. It was taken above Badwater Basin in Death Valley.
This belongs in National Geographic!

Later=I don't know why that didn't post but it's the one with the silhouetted hiker on the peak overlooking a wash.