Poison Fest!

Blake Merrell

Life Elevated - Rising Higher
Feb 25, 2013

What happens when you gather 8 people to do 3 canyons in one day? POISON FEST!

As I think about this trip I am amazed. This group consisted of 8 people. 3 of whom I have never met before. 1 who came from out of state and even one who came from out of the country! Brett drove 8+ hours from New Mexico, and Joel came all the way from Canada! The rest of us were local Utahn's.

This was a quality group of canyoneers. We had a few who were new to the sport, but we also had 5 of the 8 who have been professionally trained in canyoneering; so when we began our adventure in the canyons, it was no surprise to me how efficiently the large group moved through the slots.

The canyons we visited were: (TR's Comming soon)
  • Constrichnine
  • Slideanide
  • Arsenic
Each was a lot of fun and very beautiful! Constrichnine has some really good rappels and chambers. Slideanide was a blast! The big elevators in that canyon are so fun. Arsenic has a wonderful 3 stage rappel start, and some pretty narrows to finish it off.

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Bravo on the fun trip and cool vid (short and sweet with lots of fun footage)! Makes me want to get out and hit some slots!
My son just watched your video with me and said, "SO COOOOOOL! When can we do that!?"
My son just watched your video with me and said, "SO COOOOOOL! When can we do that!?"
Pretty sure that makes all of the time I spent capturing and editing video worth it! Glad to hear that he liked the video enough to want to get outside and try it out. :)
I really enjoyed your video. You did a great job with it. Canyoneering looks like so much fun, I wish there were something other than buildings to repel down in the northeast. I'd really like to try something like this one day.