Saddle Horse Canyon


Mar 12, 2012
We went for hike in Saddle Horse Canyon located in the Sid's Mountain WSA, to find a geocache that was beside a huge pinnacle. We first had to hike down into North Salt Wash and cross a small stream into Saddle Horse.

Start of the hike following an old road

Mouth of Saddle Horse Canyon

After getting into Saddle Horse the canyon narrows up and there is a small stream flowing. We even ran into a frozen section of the stream.

Some ice

Peaceful pool

The canyon then widens up and you are presented with an awesome view of the pinnacle. We hiked through the sand and found the small geocache. We stayed for a while having a snack and just listening to the silence. Then the sky became overcast and the wind picked up.

If you enlarge, you can see a person standing next to it

We then marched on out. Plan was to find another geocache. But with the wind and clouds, we decided to pass. The climb up was a pain but nice once we reached the top.

Shot goodbye

Back on top

It was great to get out. It has been quite a while and it was definitely needed.