Sawtooth Lake, SNRA


Auribus Teneo Lupum
Dec 27, 2012
After reading several trip reports on this area I finally made a trip to the Sawtooths. I have lived in Idaho for several decades but have failed to visit the Sun Valley area. My wife and I did not have a lot of time so the trip was limited to one night. However, I plan to come back next summer and hopefully spend a week in the area padding my numbers for the bag night challenge.

The drive to Stanley, ID is very scenic. The highway winds it's way up the Galena summit and then drops down into the Sawtooth Valley passing the head waters of the Salmon River which produces about 1/2 the steel head salmon in the Columbia River. We met my wife's friend in Stanley and ate lunch at a really nice sandwich shop called the Stanley Baking Company and Cafe.

The Iron Creek trail head is just a few miles west of town. The parking lot tends to be full of cars during the weekend during the summer as this is a very popular hike. The trail is very gradual and a great pick for those who are new to backpacking and wanting to get back country experience. It would also be a good solo trip for those wanting other people around to help if there was a problem. The trail head is also an access point for more challenging trips.

The trial follows Iron Creek up the canyon. After a mile the trail forks with the Alpine Way Trail that leads to Goat Lake. After 4 miles of hiking we reached Alpine Lake. The first three miles were very easy and almost flat. With the last mile came an increase in grade and switchbacks.

Upon reaching Alpine Lake we set up camp and went for a small hike around the lake. The water was clear and appeared to be well stocked with trout. I kicked myself for not bringing my pole.
The next morning we stowed our packs and set off on the short 1 mile hike up to Sawtooth Lake. The trail was much steeperthan before. The rise in elevation offered an incredible view of the surrounding area.
Just before reaching Sawtooth Lake the trail follows the stream that drains the lake.
The trail opens up and passes on the shore of the lake toward Mt. Regan and the Grandjean trail head (a great option if you want to avoid most of the people). The total elevation gain is about 1700 ft.
The water was crystal clear and still being fed by melting snow.
After spending some time enjoying the view we hiked back down to Alpine Lake, put on our packs, and headed down the mountain. This was a great trip that I would recommend for almost anyone regardless of skill level.

The 10 mile round trip is much less challenging than other hikes in the area and has a very gradual slope for most of the trail.

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I had a great trip to the sawtooths in early June last year. Just car camping, but opened a lot of ideas.

Looks like a good one. Thanks for sharing!
Very nice! I can't believe you live in Idaho and haven't spent much time in the teeth! I'd like to get up that trail someday, hopefully as part of a longer point-to-point. Thanks for posting!
Beautiful area, I'd love to explore there.
You are only touching the tip of the iceberg..........
Very nice! I can't believe you live in Idaho and haven't spent much time in the teeth! I'd like to get up that trail someday, hopefully as part of a longer point-to-point. Thanks for posting!
People in the Idaho Falls area tend to focus more on the mountains to our north (Yellowstone) and east (Tetons). I too fell into that trap.
You are only touching the tip of the iceberg..........
Roger that. I am planning a week or so next summer to explore the area more. Redfish Lake will be the base camp and we will fan out from there. I hope to maybe even make it up to the Frank Church and White Clouds for a time.
People in the Idaho Falls area tend to focus more on the mountains to our north (Yellowstone) and east (Tetons). I too fell into that trap.

Just curious, how long is the drive for you? 3 hours or so? Probably not to far to the Tetons or even the Winds either, eh? Idaho Falls seems sort of nicely situated!
Just curious, how long is the drive for you? 3 hours or so? Probably not to far to the Tetons or even the Winds either, eh? Idaho Falls seems sort of nicely situated!
Yes, about 3 hours to Stanley. A big chunk of time is eaten up passing through the Sun Valley area due to the roads. Driggs is about an 1 1/2 hours away. It takes about 2 1/2 hours to get to Pinedale, WY.
We did a thru hike from Iron Crk TH to Alturas TH, on off trail. Trips posted on this site and U tube Third time I've been in there..... maybe 2014 for a short trip than we usually do!
We did a thru hike from Iron Crk TH to Alturas TH, on off trail. Trips posted on this site and U tube Third time I've been in there..... maybe 2014 for a short trip than we usually do!
Your TR was a major reason I made the hike.
Thanks Bob. You Rock!
PM me whenever you want. I can give you info to super fishing, remote areas...... ;)
Pic on my avatar is actually on Packrat Pass, SNRA
great report... hope to visit one day.
My family spent a week at Red Fish Lake this past summer. So I was looking for a day hike in the area. There really are dozens of possibilities if your willing to give up a little cash for a boat shuttle across the lake. It will save you eight miles of hiking around the lake to get to the inlet where you can head to many different lakes and trails. We decided instead to hike about half way around the lake. To the Bench Lake trail. It was a pretty easy hike. We didn't make it to the upper lakes. I wish we would have but were running out of time. These are not the best quality pics. My cameras battery tanked so I just bought a cheep disposable camera from a little store in Stanley. When I say cheap I mean quality not price. Not much is cheap when your in the middle of a tourist area. Here are a few pics... R1-01152-022A.jpgR1-01152-007A.jpg R1-01152-008A.jpg
There is a guide book by Margaret Fuller that is tilted Trails of the Sawtooth and White Cloud Mountains.I picked up a copy from the lodge at Redfish lake. It's a great book, a lot of good information. You can find it on amozon for around 10 bucks. Well worth the money.
I have the book and agree its a good reference for the area.
This was one of my favorite trips. We went a couple years ago. Right around the time of the wild fires and thought we might have to cancel. So glad it worked out.

Got to see the Snake River and Craters of the Moon while we were out there. Definitely worth it.