short escape in April


I lava it!!!
Jan 19, 2012
I'm still thinking about a short escape in early April, respectively April 4-8.
Where would you head for a short backpack?
I have Capitol Reef in my mind, or eventually Cedar Mesa, but it's still a long drive back to Salt Lake and then catch a plane that night.
Or maybe just Moab area?
Anyway, I need something for a few days.
At first I thought of heading somewhere here in the East, but April and early May is mud season.
And mud season really means mud season, it won't be really funny to camp.

If going to Capitol Reef, I would like to do Spring Canyon.
Has one of you ever done the really long loop with starting at Chimney Rock, go into lower Spring Canyon to UT 24 , cross the highway, then head into Grand wash, head to Cassidy Arch, Frying Pan and Kohab Canyon. From there up to Sulphur Creek and back to Chimney Rock.
This would be one night in Lower Spring Canyon, one at Fruita Campground.
Is this doable in 3 days?

Or instead of that trip maybe check out the slots along Notom Bullfrog Road?
Is Burro Wash and Cottonwood Canyon doable without technical equipment and as a single person?
Those two are still on my list as well as Sheets Gulch. Could also be a nice trip if possible without technical equipment.