Slides on Front Page now Unclickable


Feb 23, 2012
Is it just me?

I can no longer click the main image on the front page to link to the associated thread. In fact, clicking just resets the "timer" and thus the featured slideshow never advances.

On Chrome via Win10 PC. :help:
I am seeing the same thing, in fact, just putting the mouse over the photo make the timer stop. I could right click and say open in new tab. The forward and back buttons on the sides still works. Same with the circles at the top of the photo.
still work for me. you guys have any plugins?
Are you using Chrome?

Apparently something happened with the latest version of Chrome that has prevented these slideshows from working properly. It has happened on other sites recently.

Yes @IntrepidXJ - good catch- Chrome seems to be the problem. Everything is working fine in Safari. I just opened Chrome and though I can click through the slideshow in Chrome, nothing happens when I click on the front page slideshow titles in Chrome ( Version 73.0.3683.86).
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Are you using Chrome?

Apparently something happened with the latest version of Chrome that has prevented these slideshows from working properly. It has happened on other sites recently.

I was using chrome at home last night when I checked, but it is possible that it hadn’t updated to the latest version.
ok, NOW i'm experiencing the same problems.
Yeah, me too. I'm looking into this but it's probably going to require some larger updates and may take some time.
No worries. I noticed last night, while screwing around with it, that if I click one of the circles at the top for a different feature, and then click, the link would work. Most of the time. Super weird.
So this is just Chrome for everyone, right? Might just need to wait for them to update.

Nick, yes, it works fine in Safari for instance, but not in the latest version of Chrome ( we have Version 73.0.3683.86 installed).
I'm running Version 73.0.3683.103 (Official Build) (64-bit). Its the latest as of this morning and I'm having the same problem.
All the controls work in the feature except the click to go to the post.
No worries. I noticed last night, while screwing around with it, that if I click one of the circles at the top for a different feature, and then click, the link would work. Most of the time. Super weird.

Yep, this works for me too. You could also right click and open on new tab. Not ideal...but a way to get to the link...