SOLDMarmot Pinnacle 15° sleeping bag


Aug 6, 2019
Marmot Pinnacle 15°(EN rated 10F lower limit)
6', right zip, 800 fill power. Weight is 2.5lb/40oz
SOLD$95$85 including shipping by USPS Retail Ground

PM here, or email me at:
^^^also my PayPal address

Bought this at the last minute before a trip out West 9-10yrs ago.
As an exceptionally warm sleeper, it turned out this was way too much bag for me. I switched to quilts a few months after buying it, so it has seen <10 nights' use, maybe only 6.

It would be "like new", except that some bumbling idiot(who looks a lot like me) got too close with the scissors when cutting the tags off and sliced the shell, plus knelt or sat on something that put a hole in it.

Way heavy by UL standards, but lots of features-draft tubes, neck baffle, seriously overstuffed footbox. Great for car camping, or anyone not hugely concerned with weight.

Always stored indoors in its cloth bag, never compressed longer than a day.
See pics for the damaged spots, both patched with Tenacious Tape.




Cloth storage bag and S2S comression sack included:
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Hey, this is a seriously good deal for someone. I LOVE Marmot bags and have a couple or would buy it myself.
Yeah, I feel like an idiot for damaging it.
I like them, too, this one's just too warm for a hot sleeper in the SE. I'm still using the 40F version that I bought a year or two before it, the Arete.