Southern Utah - Suggestions for 3-4 day backpack in October


Mar 13, 2012
Three old geezers from Houston are trying to arrange a 3 1/2 day backpack trip to southern Utah during the 2nd week in Oct. We have done several of the famous hikes - i.e. Coyote Gulch, a bit in Zion (tried Zion but couldn't get sites - yes tried at 10 am when it opened for Oct - got 2 of 3 sites but not the req 3rd one), Bryce. We have a flight into Vegas which we can change but unless we change kind of limits us to SW Utah. Anymore the permit systems are really getting to be a pain.

Any suggestions for a hike of about 30 miles (less if a lot of elevation climb) with water sources? (we don't like to be pack mules). Since there are just 3 of us, we would like to avoid shuttles (unless the area has some available - think the Escalante does)
well, you can do a three day trip into la Verkin creek in zion set up basecamp for both nights somewhere by Kolob arch, then spend the second day going to the border of the national park, you can even add a day and go straight up la Verkin creek instead of going along Willis creek (no water in Willis creek, but October might have some, not sure though)

If a light snowstorm hits the high country you can do a trip in the pine valley mountains that goes along the ridge then gets near the summit of Signal peak. I think there is a trailhead by new harmony. Not sure on how many days a trip like that would be. Water will be really hard if there isn't some snow, so it depends on what the weather does.

There might be stuff in Tushars but those might have more significant snow, not really experienced with the Tushars.

In Escalante, there are countless options, i hear Davis gulch is great. There are some east side ones that are more out of the way and you can make a 4 dayer out there with relative ease except for water sources.

Hope this helps out somewhat! enjoy your trip!
The Paria or parunaweep from the top. We just hiked Pine Valley Mts Pinto Springs to Brown's. There's good water at Mill Flats and Whipple Valley. Lots of cows before then.